Author Topic: 1216L Setup  (Read 9075 times)


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1216L Setup
« on: 2016-02-20, 05:02:33 »
Hi I have a Yaesu G-450A.  I am trying to set it up with the RRC-1216H with the 1216L.  I have follow the online instructions.  But I do not see the A/D value changing during the calibration .  The A/D shows 1, 2, or a 3.... do not see it change beyond this.  I have disconnected the pot from the the 1216L, and manually actuated the rotater.  The Multimeter show the resistance rise from near zero to about 20 K.  Below is the system Information:
Company   Microbit
Product   1216H WebSwitch
Model   HAM
Software   4.23
Hardware   3
Bootloader   1.12
Build   Nov 3 2015 09:01:45
1216L   HW >= 5, FW 5
S/N   3130
PID   4
Uptime   0 Days, 0 Hours, 22 Mins, 11 Secs
MAC   00:1e:fd:00:ca:12
IP address
Max available memory   18201
DNS status   OK, =
Dynamic DNS status   Inactive
NTP status   Disabled
Rotator status   Initialized
Ping status (watchdog)   Off
Active profile   Default
Last WD Reset   5
TCP Error counter   0

My main concern is the A/D is not tracking the change in resistance...