RRC 1258 Support in English > General discussion forum



HI Gents

I got the web-switch to read/sniff data from the rig and working @ 9600 baud.
This is ok when you using HRD/TRX-Manager etc. Can the web-switch handle 57600 baud ?.
When i try 57600 it don't work, or maybe it is the opto circuit i used that don't handle this, not sure.
My friend LA9KKA want to make something so we can use the web-switch when HRD/TRX-Manager
is not in use. He want to get this to work when the Remote-head is used.
He basically wants make a circuit that read data from the rig when RCC-Radio are in program mode 5.
From what i know this is not possible today, want to use the web switch for change antennas automatically
when change band etc.

73 Rune LA7THA

The Webswitch asks the radio about the frequency no problem.

Why using 57600 ? I think it will switch antenna fast enough with 9600 baud

73 de nike


I don't need 57600 baud to switch my antenna faster, but from what i remember the TS480 when using
Front/Remote head you need to set the radio RCC to Program mode 5 and baud rate to 57600 ?.
Is there something that i have lost here ?

73 Rune LA7THA


but that's the speed between the control head and the radio (fixed). The speed of the CAT port in the Radio which the WEB-Switch should be connected to is set separately in the Radio.

73 de mike


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