Author Topic: Problems with ARCP-2000  (Read 13125 times)


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Problems with ARCP-2000
« on: 2019-07-04, 22:32:09 »
Hi everybody.

I'm new with Remoterig, and  before writing, I have read a lot in this forum and on the Remoterig web page trying to find a solution to my problem.

I have RRC1258MkII in one end (Radio End) and a RRC Micro at the other end. Both can speak without problems, but when I try to connect my ARCP-2000 (I execute it with Administrator rights) it can't connect to my TS-2000 that's on the other side. I have tried as well with HRD, and I have found the same problem. I have looked for on the Internet, and I have read several times the manual (both, RRC 1258MkII and RRCMicro), and I can'T find the solution to this problem. I have checked my COM ports in both sides, and all is right, because RRC1258MkII and RRCMicro can speak, but I can't control my TS-2000 because I can't run my ARCP-2000 or the HRD.

I enclose five files,

- The first one shows my Virtual Comm Ports configuration (I have used your tool Microbit Device Manager)

- The second one shows other the Debug I made when I try to connect my ARCP-2000 to the other side.

- The third one shows my RRC1258MkII serial settings

- The fourth one shows my RRC1258MkII Radio settings

- The fiveth one shows my RRCMicro settings

I'm going to go to Ireland next week, and I would like to use my TS-2000 during my free time, so any advice will be welcome, because I don't know what I have to do.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Luis, EA5KY


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Re: Problems with ARCP-2000
« Reply #1 on: 2019-07-04, 23:32:34 »
Hi Luis,

It looks like it should work, but if I recall, I think COM0 and COM2 baud rate settings should be the same and
match the CAT settings in the rig. It won't hurt to try.

Otherwise, not sure what it could be. I assume that you first made the connection over the RRC Micro before
starting ARCP-2000, otherwise it won't work.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Problems with ARCP-2000
« Reply #2 on: 2019-07-05, 10:04:34 »
Hi Mitch.

I will try to record a video, and I will show you what it's happening. I have changed the baud rate at both sides, and I have checked on menu 56 of my Kenwood TS-2000 that my baud rate was 9600. If I use the ARCP-2000 locally it works flawlesly, but if I try to use it thru the RRCMicro, it doesn't work. Obviously, the local ARCP-2000 is close to RRC1258MkII and in other computer, and not in this laptop. And yes, first of all I execute the RRCMicro, with Administrator Rights, after this, I connect it to the other side (as you can see in the attached file) and later, I open the ARCP-2000, also with Administrator rights (left mouse button, and I select "Execute it as Administrator") and before try the connexion, I check that the COM is the same that I have selected in COM2 in my RRCMicro (now it's COM1), I adjust the baud rate at 9600 and I try to connect, but unfortunately, it doesn't work

In the attached file you can see the RRCMicro working, but if I try to connect the ARCP-2000 it doesn't work. It's the same using the HRD, it doesn't work as well.

As an image is better than a thousand of words, I'm going to try to record a video, and I let you know where it is, and so you can see what happens.

Many thanks for your help.

Best regards
« Last Edit: 2019-07-05, 11:11:55 by EA5KY »


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Re: Problems with ARCP-2000
« Reply #3 on: 2019-07-05, 11:07:25 »
Hi Mitch.

I have recorded this short video You can see that first of all I start the RRCMicro, and it works, but when I start the ARCP-2000 the light of the CON button blinks during a half of second, and if you see at the RRCMicro, the COM2 starts to work, but the connection doesn't work.

I hope it helps you.

Again, many thanks.

Best regards


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Re: Problems with ARCP-2000
« Reply #4 on: 2019-07-05, 19:28:50 »
Hi Luis,

Do you have the "real" serial cable installed between the TS-2000 CAT port and the RRC's COM2 port?

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Problems with ARCP-2000
« Reply #5 on: 2019-07-05, 22:21:04 »
Hi Mitch.

Yes, or so I tought, but not... I have checked the connexion in local, with my usual serial cable, and it works, later I have changed the serial cable that I had, and I have used this that I had in my local PC, and it works!!!!

I have checked the RRCNano, and it works!!!!

Thanks a lot for opening my eyes!!!! You were right. The cable was the problem. Now I can go to Ireland, and I can use my TS-2000 from here. For the moment is enough, later I will see how to control my antennas and other devices (like the amplifier, etc)

Best regards.