Author Topic: Host name link  (Read 6155 times)


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Host name link
« on: 2021-02-05, 22:05:34 »
Hi guys, I can't understand why my system must be restarted in remote location. Sometimes ddns status has another IP address (my provide use a dynamic IP).
Anyway, now I'm not able to browse the rrc radio. Usually I open the link, write my host name and Westerner page will open. Not now!!

Clicking on the host name link, the result is Web page error. I'm not able to change any configuration on my remote radio.

Another strange thing is on rrc control Web server...If I try to switch on the radio, I ear the tone, but the panel stay off. In the status page results:
 radio ON
Error: none
Dns ok with the remote IP address

Another issue is the double rrc control when I use the microbit setup search.  Same IP, same name but 2 rows!!

Please help me.
73 de it9ozs
« Last Edit: 2021-02-05, 22:16:22 by it9ozs »