Author Topic: help whith ic 7100  (Read 7909 times)


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help whith ic 7100
« on: 2022-06-28, 12:55:48 »

Can someone help me?

I'll have  the remoterig sets for the ic7100,
my external  ip adres  is  signed in .

My  radio the dhcp is off   , on my remote controle the dhcp  is on ,   i'll  can connect  with my  3g/4g  on my mobile on hollyday  whith  hotspot .
My wifi  hotspot is filled in on my remote controle box
I'll have also  a remoterig ddns  server but not signed in {is this nessesary?}.

I'll  have also  a 4g router  on hollyday , but when i'll  got my wifi on on my mobile  the  remote control stock?}

Can i'll  get also  my  wifi and password   from  my  4g wifi router  in to the  remote control  so i'll do not have my  hotspot wifi from my mobile?

At last  when i open my squels  from the ic 7100  i  hear every time a cliping sound  , how can i  get lost this?

Thanks .




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Re: help whith ic 7100
« Reply #1 on: 2022-06-28, 13:47:35 »
Check Port Forward in (both?) of the routers you use at the radio site.

I think the radio RRC-1258 should sign in to the RemoteRig DDNS server automatically. Check "DDNS status" in Settings that the RemoteRig DDNS server has the correct WAN IP adr of your router at the radio site.

Does your 3/4 G router at the radio site get a public WAN IP address? If it gets a private IP address like 192.168.n.n, 172.28.n.n or 10.n.n.n it can't be accessed from the internet. It is essential that the router at the radiosite get a public WAN IP address. It does not matter if it is static or dynamic as long it is public. Most internet providers only hands out private IP address on 3/4/5G unless you pay for a static one. But you do not need a static IP address, only a public one. Beware, most customer services don't know what a public IP address is, so they just ask you to pay. Check this board for 'Double NAT'.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.