Author Topic: Speaker Amp defective  (Read 8355 times)

Claus, DL8CLO

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Speaker Amp defective
« on: 2022-07-21, 22:09:06 »
Hey guys,

i have bought a totally new RRC last year and it worked just great with a TS480.

Now since two weeks i have several issues here:

1. Power Supply was broken
=> The RRC didnīt started correctly and could not get a proper Ethernet connection
=>After changing the Power Supply to a new one it worked again

2. A popping noise comes from the speaker of the TS-480 Head as well as from the Speaker connector
=> it starts right away after the power voltage is supplied to the unit
=> the sound is there, then comes a "popp" and the sound is gone, then comes again a "popp" and sound is back again. And that goes on and on....

3. The Speaker AMP gets very hot
=> you can feel the temperatur of the housing is rising up until the hole unit shuts down

My guess is, that the defectiv Power Supply killed the Speaker Amp.
Did anyone had this issue already?
I was wondering if something else could also be broken?
Does anyone can check the unit and/or replace the speaker amp? Or has anyone did that already and can give me some hints here?

I would love to get it repaired, because it was working great so far.

« Last Edit: 2022-07-22, 08:33:11 by Claus, DL8CLO »