Author Topic: Ic-7100 stuck in TX Solution  (Read 4549 times)


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Ic-7100 stuck in TX Solution
« on: 2023-03-26, 01:25:04 »
Hey all

Had an issue for the last few weeks where no matter mode or anything, pressing the PTT would lock the radio in TX.

I thought maybe a jumper wire had wiggled lose, tried everything.. connecting the head to base direct and radio acts as normal.

had a think back over any setting in the radio I had changed, and the only one was monitor mode, as I was trying a different Mic and wanted to hear what it sounded like.. I had left it ON but level very low. I had done this with a direct head to radio cable, and didnt think about turning off once I was going remote.

so it turns out that if you have monitor mode turned on it for some reason locks the radio in transmit while using it remotely.
I can only think that there is some kind of maybe 'bug' because its sending audio both ways and somehow thinks it needs to keep it locked on..

anyway not sure if there is a 'real' solution to using monitor mode remotely..... not really an issue now I know what caused it

hopefully may help someone with similar issue

