Author Topic: DMZ vs Port Forwarding  (Read 8915 times)


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DMZ vs Port Forwarding
« on: 2018-03-23, 10:50:05 »
Does setting the RADIO side to DMZ accomplish the same task as forwarding each individual port.  Is one setting better than the other ??

I am having some intermittant problems with the Radio side when it becomes not reachable over the internet and I have to go to the radio site and reset (restart) the Radio Unit.  When I say it is not reachable I mean that you can not access the web server in the unit either through the domain name ( I am using DYNDNS) or directly with the IP address.  Usually when that happens the radio stops communicating but today I cant access the Radio Unit through my browser but the radio is still working?

Trying to track this down.. It can go for days without problems operating normally or it might disconnect several times a day depending...



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Re: DMZ vs Port Forwarding
« Reply #1 on: 2018-03-23, 14:36:16 »

Port forwarding and DMZ behave identical in terms of reaching the forwarded ports. You should notice no difference, but
some routers for some reason behave better with DMZ.

However, I would use it cautiously. You open up all ports, including telnet, so it is a security risk. If you do use DMZ, then
change the telnet and web ports and make sure that you have a password set to access the RRC.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: DMZ vs Port Forwarding
« Reply #2 on: 2018-03-25, 12:45:49 »
Thanks for the reply.. I am still having problems with the RADIO side dropping out after a day or so of operation.  By dropping out I mean that the RADIO unit "server" does not respond and the CONTROL unit is not able to turn on and operate.  This is intermittent and not consistent and I have checked ports, added noise filters to all of the lines, etc.  Trying to pick the next best thing to try.  Sometimes the unit will work for days, and other times it will drop out after a few hours of resetting the RADIO unit, which is the only way to solve the problem since I cant reach the RADIO box remotely..

When the unit is reset and working everything works great!!

Any ideas would be appreciated...


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Re: DMZ vs Port Forwarding
« Reply #3 on: 2018-03-25, 17:39:39 »

One of the most important steps is to be able to reach the radio RRC remotely. You really need
to change its web port and forward it after entering a password. This will allow you to do remote
troubleshooting, make changes, reboot, do firmware updates, etc.

As for your problem: what is the error message you get in the status page of the RRC? It would be
best to have both RRC's if possible.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: DMZ vs Port Forwarding
« Reply #4 on: 2018-03-27, 16:22:25 »
OK, Mitch good idea .. I will set this up and send along the error messages..

Does it matter what the web port address is.. ??  Im learning much along the way so really appreciate your help...

de Mike WA1GWE


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Re: DMZ vs Port Forwarding
« Reply #5 on: 2018-03-27, 19:41:55 »
Hi Mike,

No, it doesn't matter, as long as it is otherwise not in use at your QTH already. I suggest a higher five or four digit number.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: DMZ vs Port Forwarding
« Reply #6 on: 2018-04-04, 22:53:11 »
Mitch..Status update.. So far changing the Web Server port has solved the connectivity problem and also making sure I had all of the other ports forwarded individually (took them off DMZ) has seemed to solve the problem.  Over 4 days of uninterpreted connectivity to the Radio site now and counting (crossed fingers and tapping on wood)

73 and Thanks,



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Re: DMZ vs Port Forwarding
« Reply #7 on: 2018-04-04, 23:16:45 »
Glad to hear it, Mike. Have fun!

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX