RRC 1258 Support in English > Configuration of Routers, Firewalls, etc

RR DDNS Database not working for me

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email me ip and login to your Radio-RRC so we can look at it


I have the same problem. Everything is ok with dyndns, but with RR DDNS doesn't work.

At the DDNS remoterig status web, appears updated in August 2012, but since then, my IP has changed, but this change is not updated (I don't know why).


It's because your RRC have not updated the DDNS database. Probably because the DNS ip is wrong if you look at the status page in the Radio-RRC you will probably see the reason.


Thanks Mike:

I tried with several DNS IP's and with the same result with all of them.

If the DNS IP was wrong, I vas be able to connect with dyndns? Why is everything OK with dyndns and not with Remoterig DDNS?

You do not say what the status page says



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