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Messages - K5DN

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General discussion forum / Re: ATT Uverse modem problems
« on: 2014-02-07, 01:46:23 »
For the record if you change the RRC's SIP to 5080, you also have to change the SIP port forwarding at the Radio site to 5080.

I all works now.  Thanks for reading.

General discussion forum / Re: ATT Uverse modem problems
« on: 2014-02-06, 21:29:57 »
I forgot to mention that I also tried to bridge through my old linksys router, which I was using with the old ISP.  I had the ATT modem/router set to DMZ for the linksys.  I seemed to work fine on web pages, but still could not connect RRC's.

General discussion forum / ATT Uverse modem problems
« on: 2014-02-06, 21:26:51 »
This has come up before, but with different versions of their modem/router.  I just switched to this service, and have modem model 3800HGV-B.  I have TV, internet and phone service through the one box.   I cannot get the RRC's to connect through it.  It was all working with my Time Warner service.   I am changing services to get lower latency, which the ATT service does provide.  I was have a lot of trouble with CW transmit errors, as I reported in another thread.

I have changed the SIP port to 5080, and set up the router for pinholes for  5080 (SIP), 11000 (UDP), and 12000 (UDP).

The router has only one entry for each; rather than separate entries for In/Out etc.  Oddly, the 12000 port is listed on one status page as TCP; on the setup paged as UDP, regardless of how many times I re-enter.

I have checked, rechecked all IP addresses; and reconnected with old Time Warner service which I also still have (it connects).

Any suggestion?

General discussion forum / Re: CW Transmission Errors
« on: 2014-01-24, 23:49:52 »

Can you provide some details of the CW data that is sent?

Packet size;
data rate;
Which port is it sent to (sip, rtp, control?);
UDP packets?;
is data sent continuously, or just when key input detected?.

This info may help to analyze the problem.


General discussion forum / Re: CW Transmission Errors
« on: 2014-01-23, 22:54:32 »
I understand.  I am running ping, tracert, and PingPlotter trying to figure out what is going on.  I have to learn enough to convince the WISP tech that he needs to work on it.  I sent him some plots, and waiting on him now.

It does look like there is one hop in the path causing trouble, only in one direction.

Thanks for your immediate response.

General discussion forum / CW Transmission Errors
« on: 2014-01-23, 01:27:49 »
I have recently noticed that my CW transmissions are partially garbled.  I don't know exactly when this started, or what might have changed.  The severity varies from time to time,  but it typically anywhere from about 3 to 30% of characters sent have extra or missing dots/dashes.  The rx audio is quite good during these periods. Here is my setup:

Radio: K3 Twins
RemoteRig RRC-1258 MKIIS, firmware 2.75
Control ISP - cable, 15Mb/s down, 1.2Mb/s up
Radio ISP - WISP, typically 2Mb/s down, 2Mb/s up (advertised rates 750K up/down)
Keyer- external
Key delay = LF delay = 250ms
Audio - 2 x Linear 16bit 8khz

Also have a desktop computer at the remote running NaP3 (with LP-Pan) and some antenna control stuff; computer is accessed with VNC.

I took the control RRC to the remote site to test back to back, and found no problems with the RRC's; CW was solid.  I have done a bunch of ping testing, and the results vary a lot with time of day.  I am pinging the WISP radio unit, as I have not been able to ping anything behind it.

Typically, in the light usage hours in the middle of the day, I can usually do a 100 ping sequence and get 70ms max, 45ms ave, 0 lost.  Sometimes the max will be 150ms or so, with just a few in this range; sometimes there are 2% or so lost.  Testing the CW transmission in these conditions still result in around 3-5% errors.

In the evenings, the ping times do get up into the 150-200ms range, but not often more; there are sometimes 2-4% lost.  The CW at these times is substantially worse.

Can anyone advise how to trouble-shoot this problem?  It seems to me like the ISP performance is not so bad to be causing it to this degree.

Bob K5DN

General discussion forum / Re: Keyer is a little odd
« on: 2010-11-24, 19:53:41 »
I have my external keyer connected and working well.  I am happily working dx with my remote station almost as if it were at home.  Remoterig is a very nice product.

However, I have one remaining problem:  The sidetone signal has a rather mushy sound, caused by slow rise and fall times of the envelope.  It is slow enough to effect my ability to send accurate cw.  I can do a better job listening to the keyer's sidetone, which of course does come through my headphones.

I looked at the signal with a scope and see a trapezoidal envelope with about 15 msec rise/fall.  It should be probably 3-5 ms.  If I could fix it with a hardware change I would be happy to do that, but I expect it is formed in the processor.


General discussion forum / Re: Keyer is a little odd
« on: 2010-11-23, 00:20:50 »
I found that adding a 0.47 uF cap from the paddle dit terminal to gnd greatly reduces the chance for a dropped dit.  But it may also increase likelihood of an extra dit at the end of a string.

I also found the the instructions for connecting an external keyer are right there in the manual in plain english; should have RTFM.  I think I will be happy with this solution, and microbit may have more important issues than tweaking the keyer.


General discussion forum / Re: Failed to update FW
« on: 2010-11-22, 17:48:48 »
Yes, both units failed.  Both reported "connected".
I did not try other ports or computers.
Using XP SP2.

Since both now report v. 2.27, after update through web interface, I assume all is ok.

Thanks for your help, Franco.


General discussion forum / Re: Keyer is a little odd
« on: 2010-11-21, 17:26:47 »
Thanks for your comments Lars.  I thought maybe it was just my fumble fingers.

Can Microbit please look into this problem?  It is very difficult for me to use as it is.

K5DN, Bob

General discussion forum / Re: Keyer is a little odd
« on: 2010-11-20, 18:02:12 »
I should have added that the above occurred in mode A.  I tried the other modes, but have problems with all of them.  The old squeeze mode seems to do the same thing. Mode B has the opposite problem of adding in extra dits sometimes; I guess this is expected with someone not accustomed to mode B.  I am now using a single paddle key; haven't tried it yet with the dual paddle.

Is there a way to run an external keyer and retain the the buffering and timing features?  It seems like a straight key mode is needed to do this.

General discussion forum / Keyer is a little odd
« on: 2010-11-19, 16:00:16 »
The keyer on my new RRC's works ok, but behaves a bit funky compared to my other keyers.  When I hit dit a little too soon after a dah, it is ignored; no dit occurs.  My Icom, mfj, and k1el keyers don't do this.  Maybe I have just picked up a bad habit.

Has anyone else noticed this?  I will eventually have to re-train the fist or try to hook up a separate keyer somehow.


General discussion forum / Failed to update FW
« on: 2010-11-19, 15:56:02 »
I have new units (stereo) that came with 2.25.  When I tried to update to 2.27 with the Setup Manager, it failed to program.  However, when I ran the update through the web interface, it appeared to work fine (both units).

Any reason to be concerned?


General discussion forum / CW delay with Paddles
« on: 2010-10-27, 22:59:26 »
What is the delay from the paddle input to the time the rig keys at the other end?  Is it one character plus latency?


General discussion forum / Remoterig with WISP
« on: 2010-10-27, 22:20:42 »
My remote station uses a wireless isp service that has a dynamic ip, and no
public ip address. When I do a "whatismyipaddress" query, I get the ip of the
main office; all subscribers would get the same result.

Is there any way to use the remoterig system in this environment? I don't see how
the dynamic dns services could work. For a fee I can get static and public ip, but  I'm wondering if there are any options.


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