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Messages - N5CQ

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General discussion forum / Re: Static IP vs. DHCP
« on: 2016-04-02, 13:50:23 »
Judging from the time stamps, it didn't take you long to try it, either!

Hope all is well with the new station setup.

73 John N5CQ

General discussion forum / Re: Static IP vs. DHCP
« on: 2016-04-01, 18:24:07 »
It's possible that the new router requires the MAC address of a device in order to assign a fixed IP to it. 

73 John N5CQ

General discussion forum / Internet connection issues, FYI
« on: 2016-03-30, 02:48:12 »
For the last year or so, I have had an increasing number of 'connect' and transfer issues with my K3 remote setup.   The most striking is of course the connection dropping out entirely and the control unit announcing this fact with its "error' sound like an old modem that fails to connect. 

Sometimes I could re-connect immediately, but other times it would be 15 minutes or more before I could reconnect, and a few times not until the next day.   The MTBF on a successful connection was a few hours before it dropped.  Sometimes I could connect and have no receive audio. Sometimes I could connect and receive but had no transmit audio. 

Even when I could not connect with the RRC units I could always access the radio unit via the web interface and all the other devices at the radio site, including the router and the 1269 antenna switch.  Sometimes the Windows 'remote desktop connection' would drop out too, with about the same MTBF.

I tried different ports and settings on the RRC units with no change. All the diagnostics I could run showed everything to be great (with 60 mbps down and 12 up at the 'control site' and 18 mbps down and 1.2 mbps up at the 'radio' site.  Latency was about 27 ms and 'jitter' about 7 ms between the two sites. The cable company support line testing said everything was fine, and they 'could see no problems'. I even switched out to new and upgraded cable modems at each site. No help. I tried a different router at the radio site. No change.

Finally I told the cable people that if we couldn't find the problem, we could just drop their service. After they confirmed that I had the latest and greatest modems on each end, they finally sent a knowledgeable tech out to the radio site.

He confirmed that the modem was working fine, then ran a diagnostic program on his laptop that he said was 'more sensitive' than what they could run from the main office. He said the readings on the 'down side' were 'squirrely' and variable.   After some other test that I inferred was some kind of TDR, he said the problem was with 'the drop'.

He then climbed the pole and discovered that the outer jacket of the cable had been abraded on the pole,and in several places on the way down to the ground, perhaps by falling limbs or other debris during a windstorm.  Water ingress and random drying cycles were his working hypothesis.

He ran a new cable from the 'mainline' all the way to my modem. The diagnostics now looked 'solid'. Since then (about ten days ago), no problems, no dropouts, no issues at all. Even the Windows RDC stays connected until I disconnect it by choice. Fingers crossed. Maybe grinning a little. :) At some later time, a crew will come to bury the new cable.

Next project is the killing off the occasional digital noise on my transmit audio - next thing is to try connecting the mic direct the RRC instead of via the front panel of the K3 mini.

73 John N5CQ

I have moved the control RRC back and forth from home to the remote site and the distortion problem is only at the remote site using the 'local LAN' connection, so I don't think it is the strapping. I may try another RRC unit to completely eliminate that cause.

I am going to try some other power supplies (I did not move those from home to remote site yet, but I will) and also try using a dummy load to eliminate any RF feedback, but I still get the distortion even if the K3 power is set to 0.

I don't operate at the control site that often, but I want to figure this out.

73 John N5CQ

I have been using K3/0 and RC1258Mk2 at my home to connect to a  K3 at remote transmitter site for some time and all is well. Both RRC''s have 2.87 firmware.

Today I took the K3/0 and RC1258MK2 units to the transmitter site and connected using the "local LAN' i.e. behind the NAT firewall and using the local subnet address for the 'radio' unit and using a DHCP supplied local address for the control unit. Connection was established immediately and receiver tuning and audio is fine.

But transmit audio is NOT.  On air reports it as distorted and in the monitor it sounds very loud, noisy, and rough, as if the gain is way too high. With K3 mic gain at 0 there is no audio at all, with it set to 1 it is loud and distorted, and I get almost full scale ALC indication..

My first thought was RF getting into the control unit, and I cannot totally eliminate this as a cause, but there is no observed difference in the transmit audio with transmit power at 1 W versus 100 W. I am using three separate power supplies for the K3, RRC, and K3/0.

Has anyone else encountered and solved this problem already?

Do I need to play with the codec gain and other settings to resolve this?

What else should I try?

73 John N5CQ

I am slowly getting my K3/0 to K3 remote rig setup working with my LOGic9 logging software, after solving some big antenna and rotor problems first.

My current challenge is getting the WinKey function in the RRC1258 and LOGic to talk talk to each other.

When I hook up the USB port on the front of the RRC unit to the logging PC (Windows 8.1) , I see four virtual comm ports: "RRC1258 COM0 (COM3)" ; "RRC1258 COM1 (COM5)" ; "RRC1258 COM2 (COM6)" ; and "RRCCOMExtra (COM4)" in addition to the regular RS-232 serial port COM1 that I use for CAT control.

When I go into Winkey setup in LOGic, I see the 'normal' COM1, plus COM 3,4, 5 and 6. 

Trying COM1 as the WinKey port produces a "COM Port Error" message.  Trying COM3, 4, 5 and 6 produces the message "WinKey not FOUND (no echo)".  However, when I go from trying COM4 to trying COM5 the rig keys for approximately one second!

I have tried using device manager to set the virtual comm ports to 1200N2, as the "Com Port Usage" screen in LOGic suggests, but it seems to make no difference.

What should I try next?

73 John N5CQ

I have been using a K3 with a RRC 1258MKII units remote with a K3/0 for about a year with everything working great.  I recently acquired a K3/0 mini and set it up with a new RRC control unit with all the same settings. I was able to connect with either unit for several weeks.

With no (known) changes to anything, now the connection with the 'old' K3/0 fails.   Specifically on the remote unit the Connection status is "Faulty" with
SIP status   Connected/transfering
Last SIP error   None
RTP/UDP audio status   Stalled(9)
UDP cmd status   OK(45)

While the radio RRC unit shows:
Last SIP error   None
RTP status   Excellent(59)
UDP cmd status   OK(36)
SIP command timeout   0

The display works and the the unit tunes, but there is no receive audio.

When connecting with the K3/0 mini, the remote unit status shows:

Radio         ON
Connection status   OK
SIP status   Connected/transfering
Last SIP error   None
RTP status   Excellent(60)
UDP cmd status   OK(45)

and the audio comes thorugh just fine.

As far as I can tell, all of the settings on the two control point units are identical.  The older RRC remote has software version 2.74, and the newer one 2.80, but both were working great before this problem popped up. I want to understand the issue before I update the firmware on the older unit.

Anyone have any ideas?  What am I missing? 

73 John N5CQ

Bingo! Works like a champion now. You may want to add your last post to the verbiage in the manual.

73 John N5CQ

No joy so far. The RRC Radio "Status" says "Antenna Switch (IP): not connected".  In the AS-1269 Radio RRC settings what should the UDP port be set to?

I just installed the unit and it works great using the web browser interface, but I am unsure about how to connect it to the transceiver for automatic band switching.  I am using an Elecraft K3 - K3/0 remote setup.

The manual pp. 30-32 refers to serial connection, but I am unsure if I have "the serial adapter 1216R is connected to the pin header P1". How can I tell? 

I am not sure I have the other setup correct. I would like to do the auto band switching without using a serial connection if it is possible.

In the antenna switch "Radio RRC Settings" should the UDP port be set to the same one as used in the RRC radio units "UDP command port"? 

In the RRC "Radio Settings" should the "UDP antenna switch port" be set to the web interface port of the AS-1269 or ?

If a serial connection is required can I use the USB input the the AS-1269 somehow?

73 John N5CQ

No luck so far. May be able to work on it later this week. Will update.

I saw some mention of a checklist?

It does say bootloader <=1.7.

I have moved the radio from one location to another and am re-connecting things after several months of delay.

I can see both units on the web interface, and all the settings look right, but I cannot connect in local mode yet.

I am continuing to work on it.

Looking at the unit via the web interface, it reports boot loader <= 1.25. I am re-installing everything tomorrow and hope to find that it all works okay. I have hardware version 4.

Just updated both units using USB and setup manager 1.25 to firmware version 2.77 and both show that version and I thought all was okay, but now the RADIO unit shows bootloader 1.9 but the CONTROL unit shows bootloader N/A :(

Where did I go wrong?

Hardware, Cabling, Installations / RRC-radio no power LED
« on: 2011-04-21, 16:30:27 »
After working fine for several days, now I cannot connect and the "radio" unit shows no power LED indication. Switching the "control" unit to the same supply lights up the LED on the control unit and I can reach the control unit via IP. There is no power indicator or communications with the radio unit on either supply. I have confirmed +12VDC at the power connector, and also noticed that the device labeled "X100F RRB2" just behind the power connector is very warm, even with the unit not operating. I assume this is hardware/repair issue not a setup problem?  73 John N5CQ

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