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Topics - f6fet

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Hardware, Cabling, Installations / problem with ft857
« on: 2013-06-07, 13:54:03 »
Hi all
And sorry for my english

A friend buy rrc1258mk2 V7 and i am trying to configure with a FT857. With the user manual page 150 to 154.
Strap are ok (testing)
jmp also on control: jmp1=0 jmp2=0 jmp3=1 jmp5=0.
radio: jmp3=1 jmp5=0
Câbles Y9a are also ok  ( I make 4 cables) and test it
I am working on a local LAN ( without internet)
The lan between the ctrl and the radio is ok, in web interface
In my configuration I put the program mode to : 15-FT857/8900 and nothing happens ( no yellow led on the aux/mic ) and no connection
When I am changing program mode to : 3-FT8x7/FT1000x or 4-Yaesu/keenwood/elecraft,  the yellow led is ok ans I have on the control: control panel ON, Radio OFF, Connectio OK,SIP status connected 
on the radio, Ihave: Radio off , Connection status ok, SIP connected
But when I press the starter button on the remote façade, nothing happens , the radio don't start..............
I testing since 2 days and impossible to start the radio
I test also many firmware : 2.72, 2.71, 2.66, 2.57
I also change power supply

I am also using olders 1258MK2s with the same FT857. I modified in hardware the control ans the unit and they are working very well since last year on the same LAN
Someone will have an idea ???
Thank you
Alain F6FET

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