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Messages - RodolfoWarren

Pages: [1]
I am preparing remote station using TS480 and pair of Remoterig boxes. I have tested everything in my home LAN first, than on remote side. Everything works great in LAN and WAN, no issues once I FWD ports and when I get radio switced ON.

I am having same issue when I hooked all together in my LAN at home or via WAN on remote location, setup was like this:

- both RRC updated to firmware 2.72
- remoterig strips wired to "new model" of TS480
- both RRC accesible from browser and I did basic setup for TS480
- radio and control head are connected to RRCs with 6 pin data cable, no other connections at this time
- port FWD OK (13000,13001,13002...), RTS Status excellent (60), UDP cmd status OK (40)

My problem is that when I press "on" switch on ts480 head in LAN or via Internet red led light on radio turns on and I hear relay on the radio, RRC status goes to radio "ON" but control head of TS480 does not turns on.  I need to press and hold "ON" button on TS480 again after about 20s to get radio head alive and after that works OK. Switching off radio via Remoterig works OK, but I need to press ON button twice again in about 30sec to get radio (TS480 head) on again.

If i connect head directly to radio without remoterig rig ON and OFF works normal.

Is that latency when switching on normal on Remoterig or should I look at some other setup parameters in RRC or radio.

73 Robert, S57AW

Very useful post.. I am similar problem and I got the right path to solve it.. Thanks for posting the information

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