« Last post by W4AFK on 2025-01-04, 05:47:49 »
Did yoiu ever find a solution to this problem?
Here is mine (posted but no opne has replied (sigh)
- Can you set the CT-17 to 19,200 bps?
- If so, is it automaticall.y recogmized?
Computer configuration:
- Computer (HRD, or RS-BA1, or RTSystems) --> (USB) RemoteRig --> Internet --> RemoteRig (serial) --> DB25-DB9 converter --> Icom CT-17 --> IC-7100 radio "Remote" jack / 9600 bps.
I have it set for 9600 bps and I have issues remote controlling the IC7100. I want to try higher data rate but I don't know if the CT-17 will automatically recongize it, or if it's even doable.
The CT-17 manual only mentions 1200 baud BUT I have it at 9600 and it works but it's sluggish and unusable (HRD, RS-BA1 nor can I read/wriote to the IC-7100 using RTSystems softweare). Per the IC-7100, I can use CI-V up to 19,200 bps.
Has anyone had experience setting their IC-7100 to go through the CT-17 at higher baud rates (19,200 bps)?
Link - I have 1 Gbps U/D fiber at this end and HS Cable (100Mbps/10 Mbps) on the CT-17 / IC7100 end
I used to remote control my previous TS-480SAT with no problem and I do have a Flex 6400 which is also working fine. My issue is that I cannot remote control, program, or run data via the RemoteRig + CT-17 interfaces. The control head works just fine for voice mode.