Author Topic: TS480, M2 Orion RC2800P-A rotor,Steppir, Alpha 87a. Need advice  (Read 8216 times)


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Id like to set up a TS480, Steppir, M2 Orion RC2800P-A rotor and Alpha 87a amp to run remotely cw only. Need help figuring out what units I will need to make this play. Seems I might need the 1216h web switch for my rotor. I have the old steppir controller but  I can trade it in for the newer steppir controller the SDA100 for $290 which has the ethernet jack, guess got to start there... Any help would be appreciated,

I am running this same station with a  IC7800 now which can be run remotely through the RS-BA1 software using a keyboard for CW, But I want to be able to use paddles for CW which I will be able to do with the TS480 and remote rig set up.

73, Steve N6TT


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Hi Steve,

You didn't say if you wanted to remote control the SteppIR remotely, or only sync it. That makes
a difference in what you need to buy. However, the old controller works just as well as the SDA100.

Summary (this is specific to TS-480):

- The basic RRC will pass CAT data through the internet over COM2. You can run therefore run a logging
program on the control end and you could sync the SteppIR on the remote side over the RRC COM2 at
the same time.
- The RRC has an extra COM serial port server on COM1 that could be used for accessing any serial
device on the radio end, e.g. rotor, amp, SteppIR (control), etc.
- To control the remaining serial devices, you can purchase a separate serial port server, such as from
Lantronix or Moxa. You need to figure out how many serial ports you need (taking the RRC into account)
and buy a device that fits your needs. These devices basically take your serial devices and makes them
available over the internet. You install a virtual serial port driver on the control PC and access these
devices as if they are local.
- There are specialized devices available for the rotor and SteppIR, such as the Webswitch or the RC-1216H
(requires SDA100), but you need to decide if you need this additional functionality or not at its cost.

I hope this helps.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Hi Steve,

If you like cw with a paddle, you also can control your IC-7800 with RS-BA1 (so I do) like this example of supported rigs:

ICOM in general:

From RS-BA1 you need only remotecontrol not utility via COM 2 or USB MK1258. So you can use a paddle or keyboard and cw-memory from IC-7800.

Amp. and rotor is as Mitch explained.
