Author Topic: New software for the RRC-Micro PC client released (v1.5.0)  (Read 4912 times)


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  • Completely new virtual COM/UDP driver system which allows the use of other 3rd party programs than just HRD. Following programs has been tested successfully: Hamradio DeLuxe, TRXManager, PCC-950, RS-BA1, ARCP-480.
  • Added text to the Leds on in the main form and rearranged a bit.
  • Added a new button that brings up the RRC Box Web Page belonging to selected Profile
  • Its now possible to import and export profiles. Exported profiles will go to <your documents>\RRCMicro\


  • Log and other info files now goes to a sub folder of your documents folder
  • The GateWay program is now removed and incorporated in the RRC main program.
  • COM/UDP drivers "Microbit RRCMicro" are relaced by new drivers "Microbit Virtual COM port"
  • Some rearrangement of the parts in the Profile view
  • COM-Leds now shows actual data traffic on the virtual com ports. They flicker in green on traffic,   are grey on no traffic and red on traffic errors.
  • In Widows 7 program now detectes if the USB Audio card has been moved to another USB port and requests if its ok to use that one instead.
  • If a COM port is not longer avaible due to new drivers or reinstall user now will be asked to select a new one.
  • The program is not divided into a separate 32 and 64 bit installation any longer. Same program for both 32 and 64 systems.