Author Topic: FTdx5000 Audio from 5000 to RRC-1258MKIIs  (Read 9524 times)


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FTdx5000 Audio from 5000 to RRC-1258MKIIs
« on: 2012-08-23, 04:10:13 »
I have a set of RRC-1258MKIIs units with firmware 2.61 installed.  I have the control and radio units talking to each other through the internet using remoterig DNS. I have a paddle connected directly into the control unit and it will key the transmitter.  I do not have ANYTHING other than the two RRC's and my rig.  No duplicate radio, no removable faceplate. Just a computer on the LAN to check how things are going.  I have NO control features hooked up at this time.  I just want to check audio and CW communications. One of my station criteria was to impact non-remote operation of the station as little as possible and to require as little as possible of the local operator when local operation ends.  That being considered, what is the best source for audio FROM my FTdx-5000? There is a jack in the back "AF Out". The output is independant of the volume controls but the volume is too low.  I can use the headphone jack in the front but that requires that the volume controls for the dual receivers be left at the 12 o' clock position....something that can easily be overlooked.  At the control end I planned on just having a speaker plugged in to the RRC but there would be no volume control.  Headsets also produce low audio as well unless I use the front headset jacks on the 5000 but again no volume control.  What do you suggest for this simple configuration? Some impedance information may be of help.


Chuck  AD4ES