Author Topic: Windows 8  (Read 7534 times)


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Windows 8
« on: 2012-11-20, 03:28:43 »
If this has been covered before then my apologies. I just installed the the latest version of the PC Client under a 64 bit version of Windows 8 and noticed the virtual com ports do not show up in the device manager. I suspect the application knows of the com ports but because they do not show up in Windows I cannot adjust the actual port numbers which is important due to the presence of other applications that also use com ports. Is this a known issue?

Roger VK3ADE


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Re: Windows 8
« Reply #1 on: 2012-11-20, 08:44:39 »
Although RRC Micro is not officially released or tested for Windows 8 yet, I have tested it on Windows 8 Release successfully.
There are two places where you can find the installed devices as show in attached images.