Author Topic: New RRC1258 doesn't want to work.  (Read 6712 times)


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New RRC1258 doesn't want to work.
« on: 2013-12-29, 15:32:26 »
Hello All from Australia,

A couple of weeks ago, I received a pair of brand new RemoteRig RRC1258's direct from Microbit in Sweden.

This is my second RRC1258 setup, as I was so impressed with the first units, I bought another pair to locate another radio at my holiday house.

Over the Christmas break, I have finally had time to get the RRC1258 units out of the box and get them setup.

However, I seem to be running into a problem with the control unit end won't give me any display on the radio control head. (IC706MK2G)

The two setups are going to be exactly the same, so I will be able to connect to either home QTH setup or holiday house setup.

The setups are Icom IC706MK2G's, pair of RRC1258's with WiFi for radio & control ends, homebrew built interconnect cables between IC706MK2G & RRC1258 from original remote head cables.

The first setup which I got and installed  about 6-7 months ago has been working fine.

With the second setup, the radio end is working fine and I can connect to both setup 1 & 2 with the remote control head of setup 1.

The problem I'm having is with the radio control head end of the recently purchased RRC1258.

I can connect to the control head end alright with USB, ethernet & wifi and browse/configure the unit.

When I connect to the IC706 remote head, pressing the power on button on the remote head does almost nothing.

The only thing to happen is the orange LED on the AUX/MIC connector comes on and the speaker beeps once and I can hear a faint static noise coming from the speaker, but nothing else. No display and none of the controls/buttons work.

1. I have re-done the red jumper wires inside the RRC1258 and also swapped them with my other RRC1258 - Not working
2. Re-tested and swapped the Icom remote head cables going between the RRC1258 & IC706 remote head. Both cables work OK on the first unit and neither cable works on the second newer unit
3. Unplugged WiFi module and swapped with WiFi module in first unit. Again both WiFi units work in both units OK on the network side (Can browse/configure units)
4. Swapped IC706MK2G control heads with the first setup. Both control heads work on the first RRC1258 purchased. Both control heads don't work with the second RRC1258 purchssed.
5. Compared the internal circuits for jumper settings. The earlier purchased unit doesn't have JMP5, whereas the latter unit does, other than that it all looks similar. Nothing seems to be missing.

Here is a dump of the config.

Name   Value
Company   Microbit
Product   1258
PID   0
Version   7
HW   8
Software   2.75
Bootloader   1.10
Compiler   4.6.2
Build   Oct 31 2013 16:36:10
ROM/RAM   450472/41872
ETH-RAM   2944 (max 3kB)
USB-RAM   15312 (max 16kB)
ResetSrc   0 [3]
Uptime   0 Days, 0 Hours, 14 Mins, 23 Secs
Serial number   6867
MAC address   00:23:a7:22:18:c9
IP address
Wi-Fi network   MF60
Unit ID (Banner)   IC706 Remote Head
DHCP   1
Dns server
Extern IP/Host   
Eth-type   5
IP-interface   0
Web page user   removed
Web page pwd   removed
Program mode   2
Control panel   1
Sip password   removed
Sip contact
Auto connect   0
Audio quality   0
Audio dual-rx   0
Codec out gain   255
Codec inp gain   18
Codec inp HPF Hz   3
Codec inp preamp   1
Codec inp attenuation   0
COM0 baudrate   9600
COM0 data bits   8
COM0 stop bits   1
COM0 parity   0
COM0 Program mode 3 char timeout   2
Use USB Com Port as COM0   0
COM1 mode   0
COM1 baudrate   9600
COM1 data bits   8
COM1 stop bits   1
COM1 parity   0
COM1 rts/cts   0
COM1 terminator (hex)   00
Use USB Com Port as COM1   0
COM2 mode   0
COM2 baudrate   9600
COM2 data bits   8
COM2 stop bits   1
COM2 parity   0
COM2 terminator (hex)   00
Use USB Com Port as COM2   0
COM3 mode (USB-COMFSK)   0
UDP cmd port   13002
UDP audio port   13001
SIP port   13000
Web server port   removed
Telnet server port   7035
Rx jitter buffer size   10
Rx jitter delay   9
Audio packet size (ms)   40
RTP tx mode   0
Debug level   0
Disable audio tones   0
Audio tones -db [70-0]   30
IP identification (morse)   0
Full duplex   0
PTT-off mute delay   0
IP Type-of-Service (dec)   0
Yaesu power-on/off   0
Elecraft advanced   0
UDP antenna-switch port   13010
UDP cmd min-data-size   0
Check interval   0
DDNS Host name   0
Own host name   
Enable   1
Speed wpm [0/10-40]   0
Iambic   1
Paddle reverse   0
Weight [25-40]   30
Side tone hz [0,300-1500]   800
Side tone -db [50-0]   20
Lf delay ms [0-500]   0
Key delay ms [0-250]   50
PTT activated by Keyer   0
PTT tail delay ms [0-999]   0
Speed pot min wpm [5-99]   10
Speed pot max wpm [5-99]   40
IN0 mode   0
OUT0 mode   0
OUT0 mode   0
OUT1 mode   0
OUT1 mode   0
OUT2 mode   0
OUT2 mode   0
USB RTS as PTT   0
USB DTR as CW   0
Enable ping watchdog   0
IP address to ping   
Ping interval (seconds)   300
Startup delay (seconds)   300
Failure count to reboot   3
1: Name (SSID)   MF60
1: Password (PSK)   removed
2: Name (SSID)   
2: Password (PSK)   
3: Name (SSID)   
3: Password (PSK)   
4: Name (SSID)   
4: Password (PSK)   
5: Name (SSID)   
5: Password (PSK)   
6: Name (SSID)   
6: Password (PSK)   
7: Name (SSID)   
7: Password (PSK)   
8: Name (SSID)   
8: Password (PSK)   
Name   Value
Control panel   ON
Radio   OFF
Connection status   Faulty(See below)
SIP status   Connected/transfering
Last SIP error   None
RTP/UDP audio status   Stalled(19)
UDP cmd status   Error(0)
SIP command timeout   0
Rx Jitter buffer size   10
Rx Jitter delay   9
Dual Rx   0
Current audio packet size   40
Current audio quality   0 - alaw 8 kHz
SIP Out port   13000
SIP In port   13000
Audio Out port   13001
Audio In port   13001
Command Out port   13002
Command In port   13002
External SIP In port   13000
External Audio In port   13001
External Cmd In port   13002
Other party   124.169.removed
Input 0   High
Input 1   High
Input 2   High
Output 0   High
Output 1   Low
Output 2   Low
DNS status   OK, = 124.169.removed
Active profile:   Rob Car 3G
PTT status:   OFF

Basically, the earlier unit purchased works 100%. From the second unit purchased, I seemed to have narrowed the problem down to the RRC1258 control unit not working as all the other parts & pieces swapped over the first purchased unit work and all the pieces and parts attached to the second purchased unit won't work.

Now before I go returning the unit to Sweden under warranty too hastily, I just wanted to consult with the forum first on any other possible things I should try or look at. I was thinking that the problem must be in either the connecting cables or the jumpers, but I have exhaustively tested and swapped these around and always get the first unit working and the second unit not working.

Being an existing owner, I have looked at all the areas I had problems with my earlier units (passwords, network settings, ports used & port forwarding, etc.) so I'm fairly certain I have covered all the basic & essential jobs.

I hope this is enough information.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Cheers and all the best for 2014.


« Last Edit: 2013-12-29, 15:37:49 by VK6LD »


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Re: New RRC1258 doesn't want to work.
« Reply #1 on: 2013-12-29, 16:01:35 »
com0 baudarate should be 19200



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Re: New RRC1258 doesn't want to work.
« Reply #2 on: 2013-12-29, 23:23:56 »
Hi Mike,

Thanks for your message.  I changed that setting and it all worked beautifully.

I take it back that I thought I had covered all the essential and basic settings...!  :-[  Obviously I hadn't.

All going great now.

Thanks Mike & Microbit.

