Author Topic: License....  (Read 9613 times)


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« on: 2014-12-24, 08:56:09 »

I see that if one would buy the license for rrc-nano must select the software in relation of his radio.
Why don't do a single lincense for all radio brand?
If I have multiple installation I have to buy other license?

If we compare the rrc-micro and rrc-nano...the first one is "hardware" independent so I can use it with icom, yaeu or kenwood and switch between the config without problem. The second one no.
Same things about RRC. Change the cable connection and...ready!

Is not more easy for you to manage the license :-) and more flexible for the final users?

best 73 and Merry Christmas to all!!!



Remote setup:
TS480 - Expert 1K - ERC rotator - Heil