Author Topic: Skype microphone not working after RRC-nano app active  (Read 8531 times)


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I have skype and RRC nano installed on same tablet PC.

Whenever RRC nano app has been active the skype microphone stops to work with other words, when RRC nano app is shutted down. I need to restart the tablet PC in order to get skype microphone work again. It feels like the RRC nano reserves the microphone and doesn't release its handle when app is shutted down.

any hint what to do without need for a restart ?

73 de petri sm0xdo / oh4mvh


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Re: Skype microphone not working after RRC-nano app active
« Reply #1 on: 2015-10-07, 09:32:35 »
Thanks for the report.
I will check what can be done.


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Re: Skype microphone not working after RRC-nano app active
« Reply #2 on: 2015-10-12, 08:49:27 »
The problem is fixed now

RRC Nano Kenwood 1.3.8 published
Phone's volume is not disabled while app running anymore.


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Re: Skype microphone not working after RRC-nano app active
« Reply #3 on: 2015-11-12, 22:27:12 »

Tengo el mismo problema, llevo un mes con un teléfono nuevo BQ Aquaris M5 con Android 5.0.2, al instalar rrc Nano-K  y hacerla funcionar, me quedo sin micrófono en el teléfono. Probé con desinstalarla y reiniciando el teléfono pero la única manera de volver a recuperar el micro es restableciendo los valores de fabrica, perdiendo de esta manera todo lo que tengo. Comentar también que al transmitir con rrc-Nano-K  sale con eco y con ruido, cosa que con rrc-1258 MKII sale perfectamente.


I have the same problem, took a month with a new phone BQ Aquaris M5 with Android 5.0.2, installing rrc Nano-K and make it work, I stay without a microphone on the phone. I tried uninstalling and rebooting the phone but the only way to regain the micro is restoring factory defaults, thus losing all that I have. Also comment that the transmit RRC-Nano-K comes with echo and noise, which with ITC-1258 MKII comes out perfectly.