RRC-Nano > Feature Requests


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Jan (Microbit):

--- Quote from: bigchimp on 2016-01-29, 01:46:18 ---If the change to the firmware is not a difficult one, it would make the product a bit more usable for some operators.

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The way you suggested it to work by automatically switch profile based on current network is not easy to fix, if it all. An alternative would be to use the CW pot to be able to change profile at startup. To know which profile is selected the Power LED could flash its number. Thoughts about that?

I recall another post requesting this with your solution of a manual switch, and this would work well for me also.

Thank you for considering this request. If I understand correctly, you are suggesting to add a profile switching option to the I/O mode drop down menu?

EDIT: I just re-read your post and it seems you are talking about the turning the CW potentiometer to select profile, is this correct? I think this would work fine.

Jan (Microbit):

--- Quote from: bigchimp on 2016-01-29, 17:25:45 ---EDIT: I just re-read your post and it seems you are talking about the turning the CW potentiometer to select profile, is this correct? I think this would work fine.

--- End quote ---
Yes, that's correct.

Jan (Microbit):
There is a new beta version(2.89) available which has the change-profile-using-the-CW-port feature added. The profile web page will show help instructions how to enable and use it. Download it here:


and let us know what you think about it  ;)

Jan (Microbit):
No one tested 2.89?


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