Author Topic: IC706 PTT for Sequencer trough RRC  (Read 3488 times)


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IC706 PTT for Sequencer trough RRC
« on: 2010-11-12, 15:08:19 »
Hello OM's,
I wonder how to get the ptt for my IC706 right trough an sequencer before the trx will get the ptt form the RCC.
Is there any whay to cut somehow the line from RCC to the TRX ? Guess not.
I need to run an sequencer bcs of my preamp an PA to safely switch them.

Or should I use the I/O port and cut for example the PTT lines to the Display on the remotesite and get them through the I/O Jack to the stationsite and than right to the sequencer and key the trx with the help of the ACC Socket.? Thats what I thought.
Could I do that ? What about CW? I think in that way I couldn't use the CW for straight key anymore?

Any Idea is vy welcome.
Many thanks