Author Topic: RRC Control Unit USB / Virtual COM Ports issue  (Read 19818 times)


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Re: RRC Control Unit USB / Virtual COM Ports issue
« Reply #15 on: 2017-04-16, 21:00:51 »
Thank you Nizar. That thought did cross my mind. 
The unit has been working properly and I have been using the USB port quite a bit.
I hope to get some time later on this afternoon or this evening to open up the RRC and resolder the USB connector. Will keep you updated.
Thank you very much for your response and suggestion Nizar.




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Re: RRC Control Unit USB / Virtual COM Ports issue
« Reply #16 on: 2017-04-16, 22:05:09 »
Hello Nizar / Mike
I took the RRC apart and re-soldered the USB connections to the circuit board. With the same result. I tried the unit on three computers with two different cables (just to be sure :-)) I still get the USB device not recognized message. It was an excellent suggestion though. Thank you.

Mike, as I am not sure what else to try, I will see if I can get the unit to you via a friend of mine who travels to Sweden on a regular basis (works for Ericsson here in Canada).
Would that be okay? Could you please let me have your mailing address as I am not sure where you are located in Sweden and the unit may have to be mailed to you from Stockholm. 

Thank you in advance.




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Re: RRC Control Unit USB / Virtual COM Ports issue
« Reply #17 on: 2017-04-18, 09:48:56 »
I think you have stared a new tread for the same topic. As far as I remember you wrote that the Microbit setup Manager can communicate with the RRC. If so the USB interface is working. If the interface is really not working it can't be repaired as the USB interface is integrated in the CPU. And it's not resonable to replace the CPU, the whole PCB need to be replaced. But you can send it to us if you want. address is Microbit 2.0 AB, Nystaden 1, 95261 KALIX, Sweden.

73 de mike


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Re: RRC Control Unit USB / Virtual COM Ports issue
« Reply #18 on: 2017-04-18, 15:23:30 »
Thank you for your response Mike.
Based on your comments, I will just order a new control unit then.

Thanks to all for your comments/feedback.




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Re: RRC Control Unit USB / Virtual COM Ports issue
« Reply #19 on: 2017-04-21, 06:34:06 »
Hi Serge,

I posted some links to USB test software the other day.

Since you can connect to the RRC through the manager it is very unlikely that there is something wrong with the interface in the RRC. The USB device view software will help you to investigate this problem. At the very least you should be able to see if the USB drivers were ever installed correctly. To do this you do not need to have a functioning connection to RRC. You can also uninstall individual USB drivers from your PC.

It will only cost you a few hours of time before you order another control unit.



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Re: RRC Control Unit USB / Virtual COM Ports issue
« Reply #20 on: 2017-05-25, 23:51:33 »

My remote system is working very well. However, since yesterday morning, I have been unable to connect any logging software (N1MM+ and DXLab). What I noticed was that after I connect to the remote, I plug the USB cable to the RRC control unit and it does not create the Microbit Virtual COM ports.

Hi Serge,

Sorry I'm a bit too late responding to this, but I just wanted to mention that even if the issue ends up being the mini-USB port on your Control-RRC, you could still use the RS-232 ports for the same purpose. You would just end up with two cables between your laptop and Control-RRC instead of one. Alternatively, you could buy an RS-232 server and have no wires between it and the laptop.

You have, in the mean time, very likely ordered a new Control-RRC, and that's a good thing, but don't throw away the old one. You can still use the old one , even with the damaged USB port, for setting up a fully functional station. After my Control-RRC's USB port got damaged, I ordered a new one, too. The new one is at my home location, and I use the damaged one in my car.

Marvin VE3VEE