Author Topic: Running station accessories using the COM Ports  (Read 4090 times)


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Running station accessories using the COM Ports
« on: 2018-04-28, 00:37:08 »
I have a requirement to turn on a fan at the radio side and to switch a coax relay. I see that the COM Port out0 goes low upon connection. Could I use a relay driver connected to out0 to turn on a small fan? Would it be possible to set a logic 1 on other comport pins to toggle a relay?
//Dave WB7ELY


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Re: Running station accessories using the COM Ports
« Reply #1 on: 2018-04-30, 05:52:22 »
Looks like Amazon sells a 4 channel RS232 relay board that would connect to the radio side RRC COM1 port. Here's a link:
You could turn on a fan in the radio box or actuate a coax relay on command using this sweet little board.
Instructions say to first set the serial port configuration to 9600 baud: stty -F /dev/ttyM0 9600
Turn on the relay with hex 01 : echo -ne '\x01' >/dev/ttyM0
Turn off the relay with hex 00 : echo -ne '\x00' >/dev/ttyM0
//Dave WB7ELY