Author Topic: controlling a Yaesu ft 991A with micro PC doesnt seem viable?  (Read 14230 times)


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I would like to upgrade my now working system centered around a yaesu ft 857 with an ft991, because of the C4FM capability of the 991.

The 991 does not have a removable control head so it appears the control would have to take place with an rrc micro unit?

Control of the 991 would have to be accomplished via the radio RRC via the serial port to the serial port of the 991 using HRD.

However, the TTL port on the radio RRC doesnt appear to have any place to plug into the 991, like the diagrams show a typical CVI control,  how would you control the 991? I think that is why it cannot be done


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FT-991 has a 9 pin d-sub as CAT port like most bigger Yeasu radios has. It's connected to Remoterig Com2, look in the manual at the chapter Yaesu in general.

73 de mike


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So then, the connection would be:

Control END
PC running HRD to USB port on control RRC,(set serial port 2 to use usb) microphone to Mic jack, speaker from speaker jack.
HRD would do all the control

FT991 serial cat port to RRC radio end serial port 2 , mic to mic, speaker to speaker..

seems logical then.


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Have you been able to connect properly FT-991 with remoterig?
I have some questions and doubts about it, nobody here seems to be interested on this YAESU radio, only on old models.
Please let me know.
I can control my FT-991 with micro PC and HRD but I cannot power ON the radio, despite connection is stablished via COM2 port.
To get connexion I must configure remoterig on radio side
- Program Mode: 4 Yaesu, Kenwood, Elecarft
- COM 2: Logical Paralel to COM0
And micro PC (control side)
- RRC COM 0: 4- Kenwood, Yaesu, Elecraft

If I configure remoterig (radio side) as is explained in the user manual
- COM2: Mode-4 Yaesu, Kenwood, Elecarft
It's doesn't work.


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If you connect HRD direct to the radio via RS-232 does it start then ?
As the Remoterig only transfer the data, the start command should come from HRD

73 de mike


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Yes, HRD connected directly through COM2 switch on and off without any problem. Using remoterigt switch on radio doesn't work.


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In the CAT protocol for FT-991 it says about the PS command (power on/off) "this command requires  dummy data be initially sent , Then after one second and before two seconds the command is sent".

It's difficult to say what the problem is, maybe the dummy data sent by HRD are not formatted like a normal message, then it will not be forwarded by the RRCs.

You can try to use mode 3 instead of 4 then the terminator is not needed

73 de mike


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 Hi Mike,
Tested in mode 3 but it doesn't work.
I don't think that the problem cames from CAT command send by HRD to switch on the radio.
If I set parameter "Yaesu Power on/off" to yes in Avanced seting of Remoterig configuration pannel it also doesn't work. In this case HRD is not comunicating with the radio,  only remoterig.
In both case, with HRD and with Remoterig, the switch off command works OK.
I have tested with HRD CAT command tester tool. Comunication via COM port is stabilized OK, also with radio switched off. I sent PS1; command (50 53 31 3B in hexadecimal) but answer is [Error] No Reply
If I switch on radio manually (pushing ON/OFF button on the radio) CAT commands are sent and receveid OK. Also CAT command PS0; to switch off the radio but after this, with the radio switched off, command PS1; doesn't work. Its' frustating. 
Besides Remoterig PC-Micro I have tested with RRC-1258 control unit and with the RRC-Nano. The problem is the same all the time.
(As you can see I have bought all the avalable products to connect with my FT-991 but ...  :-[ :-[ :-[)
Thank you so much for your help.

73's Iņigo EB2AQH


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Hi yes if you activate the yeasu power  on/off function in the RRC it sends the correct PS message, but it does not help as  there is no dummy data sent 1-2 sec before.

Difficult to solve it has been better if HRD had sent  a ; and 1.5 sec later PS command

73 de mike