Author Topic: WinKeyer w/RRC Query  (Read 27589 times)


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #30 on: 2020-01-09, 02:06:54 »
It is even easier than that: the RRC has a built-in serial to USB converter and you don't even
need the Prolific cable. Just change COM2 setting to set it to use USB and then look-up the
virtual port that Windows issued. Prolific cables are terrible, anyway, never use anything but
FTDI, or you are asking for trouble!

Any sound card interface would be fine, including the Signalink. However, don't use VOX as the
PTT method which is normal on the Signalink.

I was very busy today, so I couldn't call. I have a few minutes now if you are available.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX