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Messages - Pedro

Pages: [1] 2
General discussion / Re: IC-7100
« on: 2013-09-01, 00:54:27 »
Hello Guy,

ok, you must be right concerning CI-V port. Still do not understand why when CI-V remote port is used by Microham the ON command  does not even work via USB port.

Hoppe hardware option, between both RRC BOXES  or RRC Micro Pc client, can overcame this issue  :)

Thanks for your help and patience trying to solve this out!


General discussion / Re: IC-7100
« on: 2013-08-31, 16:42:11 »
Hi Guy,

I've tried that but still not working  :-[

I'n using the DK II it has 2 cat ports.

Just set the 2nd cat port for the job and I could see the command being sent in the Microham CAT comunication window (message example: 0336564388:  H2-TX: (discarded)  FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE 88 E0 18 01 FD)....but radio doesn't go alive!

If you find out or have any other ideia will be much apreciated.


General discussion / Re: IC-7100
« on: 2013-08-31, 11:03:16 »
Hi Guy,

that's it.

I'm using the radio USB connection to the computer to run the RS-BA1 or HRD to control the Radio and also to turn it ON/OFF (using Logger32 app for the CI-V "direct command").

At the same time I have a MicroHam device to do DIGI modes that needs CI-V remote line from the radio ....and the problem is when it's connected I'm not able to turn ON the radio via USB port (which also has CI-V). In fact CI-V remote jack is also shared by remoterig TTL line/cable that is connected and is not a problem when I execute the CI-V command to turn the radio ON).


General discussion / Re: IC-7100
« on: 2013-08-31, 01:33:18 »
Hi Guy,

turning tranceiver ON /OFF via remote using CI-V command, as you sugested, worked ok. In my case I used FEx13 for 9600 baud rate (FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE 88 E0 18 01 FD and FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE 88 E0 18 00 FD). To send the commands I used my Log CI-V funtions (Logger32).

The big problem problem I faced was that I was not able to TURN ON the radio when the remote CI-V jack is in use by another device like MICROHAM...if I remove the plug radio turns ON but not if the plug is in!!!. When radio is ON everything works fine even if I use CI-V remote jack with other devices. Do you have an idea why this happens?

Concerning RRC-micro it works fine with IC-7100 with general CI-V remoterig configuration just like any other Icom model.

best 73s

General discussion / Re: IC-7100
« on: 2013-08-26, 00:39:40 »
Mike, Guy,

many thanks for all the info concerning the radio on/off remote capability.

Still wonder how should I connect the RRC-micro with this rig, should I use COM0 "mode 2 -ICOM CI-V"?

(if yes, should I use the General CI-V hardware configuration and  Radio Settings- Program "mode-1-ICOM CI-V" in the RRC remote box?)


General discussion / IC-7100
« on: 2013-08-22, 00:42:10 »

just finish the IC-7100 config using two "black boxes", one with the Radio (remote) and the other with the Controler (client side). In fact was an easy setup guided by the manual but wonder how to reach the remote site using the RRC-Micro client with such a configuration?

When CI-V setup for ICOM radios is used there's no limitation to connect with either the RRC-1258 control box (at home) or the RRC-Micro (while traveling).

IC-7100 has a function that enables the radio ON even without the Controller attached (locally or remotely) but in this case should be used "Program mode 1 - ICOM CI-V" instead of "Program mode 2 - IC-7100" if the ideia is using the RRC-Micro client or there's another way to use the RRC-Micro with this new rig?

One advantage of getting the Controller at the client side, beasides the "real feel", is the capability to power the radio on/off  but wonder if there is a way to power on/off remotely even without the Controller while using the RRC-Micro.

Any ideas?


General discussion / Re: RRC Micro - no audio
« on: 2013-08-21, 23:49:26 »
Hi Roland,

that's a theory but I'm not sure of it because:
- until 2 or 3 months ago, before I made some upgrades (client and firmware) 3G connection was not a problem and used to be very effective even while mobile/driving!
- tried to install previous versions but problem still on.
- tried to install RRC Micro PC client in diferent computers using 3g "connect pen" but problem    subsists.
- lately I tried to use a 3G "wifi router" instead of the normal 3g "connect pen" (same 3g internet provider) and the odd thing was that I could get a steady connection but only with one of the remote sites...the other one still not ok with green bar moving up and down with audio bursts.

In all of these atemps I only use RRC Micro client to get the remote site audio because everything else I use to manage via remote computer (logmein/teamviewer).

So still diging with this issue hihi


General discussion / Re: RRC Micro - no audio
« on: 2013-08-16, 21:00:32 »
Hi Roland,

not yet    :(

I've RRC Micro client working fine trought Ethernets networks but still not ok when I use 3g connection.

Attached some screen shots when I use 3g connection.

I've no any idea why this hapenning when I use 3g. Connection speed is not a problem for sure!


General discussion / Re: RRC Micro - no audio
« on: 2013-07-05, 17:09:30 »
Hi Roland,

still have the problem when I try to connect RRC-micro client with any mobile device in my laptop.

When I connet the RRC-micro I get the green light - RTP, then RRC green ligh flashes but then I usualy get "timeout" mesage. 

I´ve checked the RRC status page while I'm getting conneted and it shows SIP status: "Connected/transfering" and "RTP status: Excellent(60)" and "UDP cmd status: Error(0)"....a few seconds after, when I get the "timeout" msg on the RCC-micro the RRC status page says "Connection status:   Disconnected"

The funny thing is when I use my home wireless network all works ok.

Any ideia of what's hapening?


General discussion / Re: RRC Micro - no audio
« on: 2013-06-11, 23:43:37 »
Hi Roland,

I've tried to change values (increasing) Rx Jitter buffer Size and Delay with no success. RTP says conneted and Green bar stars to show a slowly rise and then falls quickly to zero, then stars to rise again.  Also tried buffer multiplier from 2 to 4 and packet size always default 40ms.

If I change the network from wirelles vodafone mobile to local wifi network the problem desapear.


General discussion / RRC Micro - no audio
« on: 2013-06-11, 13:03:49 »

just facing a problem with RRC Micro when using vodafone wireless pen broadband connection.

All was working fine until a few days ago. Now when connection is made I get connected with remote RRC  but audio packets come to slow ...the green bar on the RRC Micro software ( v rise slow and then falls  quicly resulting in short period of audio to no audio.

Already tried diferent port setting for SIP, Command and Audio ports (now settings  are 13000, 12000, 11000 respectively).

At the biggining I thougt it was a port problem or RRC Micro issue but the "slow to no audio" problem just disapear if I change the network to my local wifi network. RRC Micro with same setting works just fine.

Wonder what may be causing this problem since Vodafone wireless connection seems to be quite good and speed ok when surfing over the internet. Any chance of vodafone network made changes in their settings resulting in blocking ports? or this may be a configuration problem at my side? firewall disabled for test and no effect on this issue.


General discussion / Re: net framework 4
« on: 2011-11-01, 18:54:12 »
Hi Guy,

thanks for your post!

After getting arround and arround I find out that the problem occurs after installing the RRC-Micro PC Client. So, I unistalled this software and the MicroHam router gets back to normal and in this case the Framework 4.0 is kept installed.

In the begining I thougth that the problem was the Framework because When you first install the RRC-Micro PC Client it just ask you to install the Net Framework 4 so it lead me to assume that was the issue.

Dou you have the RRC-Micro PC Client installed on your computer and running the MircroHAm router?


General discussion / net framework 4
« on: 2011-10-21, 00:19:00 »

after installing NET FRAMEWORK 4. in order to run RRC-micro I got problems with other radio aplications like Microham USB Device Router. After installing the Framework the USB router just not get loaded and I need to force it to close. My OS is win 7.

Wonder if anyone noticed such problems or if there's a way to try to find out what's causing that problem.

Thanks in advance,

General discussion / Re: Com ports being used
« on: 2011-10-07, 23:19:48 »
hi Jan,

ok...I've run the program and all ports apeared to be in use! Anyway I will try to remove some in order to get some of them free and will try to reinstal the software. Thanks,

General discussion / Re: Com ports being used
« on: 2011-10-07, 00:25:07 »
Thanks JAN,

the issue here is that I can't change the number of virtual com ports my pc windows assigned automaticaly  microbit ports 16,17 and 18. Some aplications that I would like to connect have limited com ports (ex: ERC for rotor control has com 1 to 15) so I would like to change the microbit port number...

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