Author Topic: TS 480 goes in transmission by itself  (Read 9141 times)


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TS 480 goes in transmission by itself
« on: 2016-11-05, 22:13:15 »
I have 2 remoterig from july 2016 and until this morning all worked fine.

When this morning I have turned on the radio I saw the tx/rx LED in the front panel switch to red for 1 sec without have pushed ptt on mic.
I leave the radio in rx and the led still to switch to red in random mode, sometime 1 sec after 6/7 sec, sometime 0,5sec after 10 sec...

I have dismounted the site's front panel  and I have gone to the remote site to test locally. Also locally  the tx-rx LED switch to red in random mode and I had the confirmation that in the period of red led the radio is in transmission.

I did also this tests and the problem still exist:

1. test connection whithout any serial cable connected and with com2 and com3 setted none
2. test connection with android app
3. test with other power supply
4. upgrade to 2.91
5. full reset of the radio
6. full reset of remoterig

I have also tested the ptt signal on RJ45 connector (pin 5/6) and I had the confirmation that the radio go in trasmission because the pin 5 is closed to pin 6

Any idea?

73 Maurizio IZ4FTD

UPDATE: I have tried also with FT857, with the original 857 kitcable provided by Microbit, and also with this radio I have the identical problem.

« Last Edit: 2016-11-06, 08:05:58 by IZ4FTD »


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Re: TS 480 goes in transmission by itself
« Reply #1 on: 2016-11-06, 03:51:46 »

There is one simple rule of RemoteRig: if it has been working for a long time and all of a sudden
stops working, then the problem is within the environment and not the RRC. Most people
immediately blame the RRC, but they must look elsewhere. Some examples:
- A router/modem was replaced or added
- The internet provider moved to IPv6 (see: for details)
- A cable came loose or is broken
- etc.

These are some of things you should focus on, so happy hunting  ;)

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: TS 480 goes in transmission by itself
« Reply #2 on: 2016-11-06, 08:05:23 »
Hi Mitch,
Thank's for the answer
Normally I agree with the rule of Remoterig, but I have tested all cable, jumper, straps.
No router or modem was added o replaced and the problem remains also with both RRC on local lan without intenet connection.
Just to have  the certainty of the test and of the links, I have reconfigured the RRC for FT857 with the original kit and cable but the problem is the same.
It seems that someone  press randomly Ptt for 1 sec on microphone on control site and the RRC on radio side close the contact on microphone cable, but nobody press ptt, I try also without microphone in control side.
I think that the problem is in the RRC of radio side because the problem remains also when I am connected whith RRC android app (in local lan)

Maurizio IZ4FTD


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Re: TS 480 goes in transmission by itself
« Reply #3 on: 2016-11-06, 17:14:08 »

Of you were in the local LAN, did you change the SIP contact to the internal IP number of the radio RRC?
If not, then it is logical that it would have the same problem.

Did you check to see if the provider made a change to IPv6 like I mentioned? I had that problem with two
others in Italy so far.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: TS 480 goes in transmission by itself
« Reply #4 on: 2016-11-07, 08:51:03 »
There is no way the RRC can randomly press PTT, an order has to come  with the RTP stream from the control side.

Check that you have not acivated "PTT activated by Keyer" in that case PTT can be actviate if something is connected to the keyer input

73 de mike


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Re: TS 480 goes in transmission by itself
« Reply #5 on: 2016-11-07, 09:10:20 »
I have checked all the cable and I did also a full reset of RRC radio side.

The problem there is also if I connect by RRC app Kenwood for android, for this reason I think that the problem is not on control side.

I have a private connection between 2 sites by wifi link IPV4 at 5ghz, I don't use internet, and I have the problem also with all RRC (radio, control, app) in local lan

The connection in RRC are only power supply, LAN, MIC, TTL, there is not keyer input, but this evening I will check the function "PTT activated by keyer"

For other test this evening I will try to isolate the network with RRC, only RRC and one ethernet switch

Is it possible that the cause is an interference or something like that in RTP stream?

The strange is that the problem comes after 4 month of perfect work.

73 de Maurizio IZ4FTD


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Re: TS 480 goes in transmission by itself
« Reply #6 on: 2016-11-08, 15:48:20 »
Hello I did a part of test and now I am sure that the problem comes from ethenet connection.

I put both RRC on one ethernet switch without another connection and all work fine. When I have connected the other part of my net the "crazy ptt" start.

I have noted that the period between one ptt and other is 30sec

The test was made without mic connection in the control side and without option "PTT activated by Keyer"

I start to disconnect host by host in my net to find the culpable but I did not have enuogh time to complete this task.

Tomorrow I hope to have a time to complete the hunt

73 Maurizio IZ4FTD


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Re: TS 480 goes in transmission by itself
« Reply #7 on: 2016-11-09, 15:35:59 »
 I have completed my test and I found that the problem of "crazy ppt" are the wifi connections of my android devices.
I try with 4 android device connected to the wifi, and I found the problem with 3 of them: android ver 2.x 3.x and 5.x. With last android 6.x I do not have a problem.
If the android stay connected to wifi but with the display locked I don't have a problem, it is sufficient that I unlook the display to have a problem every ~30 sec
It seems that this android send over the lan a broadcast packet that put in tx the RRC in radio side.

I've made also a little video.

Do you have an idea?

73 Maurizio IZ4FTD


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Re: TS 480 goes in transmission by itself - SOLVED -
« Reply #8 on: 2016-11-10, 16:10:34 »
Hello, I wont to upgrade you about my problem.

I have put in LAN a network packet analizer wireshark and I found that my tablet android send a UDP broadcast to port 13001

In Google I found that this is a packet send to find in the lan multicast server available

This packet received from RRC put RRC in a short PTT.

I have changed the default port on both RRC and the problem is disappeared.

I think that it is a BUG of RRC that I hope will be solved in the next firmware.

73 Maurizio


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Re: TS 480 goes in transmission by itself
« Reply #9 on: 2016-11-10, 16:22:59 »
Ok but why do mean it's a bug in the RRC if something else sends data to that port ? We cannot do anything about that



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Re: TS 480 goes in transmission by itself
« Reply #10 on: 2016-11-10, 17:10:43 »
I agree that it's not a FW bug in the RRC, but what if Google persists in using the previously unassigned ports 13000 to 13002 for broadcasts, eventually making them proprietary?

/ Göstha


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Re: TS 480 goes in transmission by itself
« Reply #11 on: 2016-11-10, 20:40:45 »
I am not an expert of RPT stream, but I think it is not normal that my RRC goes in PTT due a packet over the net sent by other device.

Few day ago, when I have started the topic, the second answer was:

"There is no way the RRC can randomly press PTT, an order has to come  with the RTP stream from the control side." that today I have demostrated that it is not totally true.

Nobody told me that if I had on the Lan one device that send a particular packet to port 13001 I could  have a problem of ptt, for this reason I think this is a bug.

I have a doubt that I will test in the next day:
If I publish the port of  RRC over the internet and someone send to my pubblic IP the packet (not to ip broadcast but directly to my ip with a nat to RRC), the RRC will push the PTT??

I hope that you will be able to setup a control in new FW that discarge the packets that are not generated from control side.

73 Maurizio
« Last Edit: 2016-11-11, 08:34:44 by IZ4FTD »