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Topics - KV6T

Pages: [1]
General discussion forum / RRC-Micro audio
« on: 2012-04-07, 08:29:45 »
I am having trouble getting good clean audio out with the RRC-Micro.   I tried a Logitech USB headset (works great with skype) - it's the only mic I have right  now for the computer.   The speech processor in the 480 makes things worse.   Tried playing around with the mic gain and the equalizer to no avail.

Can someone recommend a setup that works well....


I would like to write a program that does what the keyer window does in the RRC-Micro client software.   Is this possible to do with Java or Python?   

Ultimately I would like to figure out how to interface a real paddle or keyer to send CW, since I don't really like sending via the keyboard.   I miss the semi-break-in capability that comes with plugging a paddle into the RRC-control.



General discussion forum / CW memory without computer
« on: 2012-03-02, 08:20:12 »
What is the easiest way to obtain CW memory capability without using a computer? 

I was thinking of homebrewing a small arduino box with an LCD screen that can store and replay messages via the paddle input on the remote rig. 
What do you guys think?  Maybe this can be a future firmware update for RR?



Sorry for my general lack of familiarity with RS-232 data cables.   Just

Why will a "standard" straight-through RS-232 from the TS-480 RF unit to the Radio-RRC COM2 not work in this application?   As far as I can see from the diagram on page 147, It looks like pins 2,3,5,7,8 are connected straight through.



General discussion forum / VOX setting and CW on the TS-480
« on: 2012-02-04, 01:46:38 »
Sometimes remoterig respects the VOX setting on the TS-480 control head, and sometimes it does not.   I would expect the radio to not transmit with VOX switched off in CW mode when I press the paddles.   Is this a bug?


If I plug the Control-RRC into a 120V outlet using the supplied power supply, I hear a 60Hz hum and some noise in my headphones.   This is with no other connections present on the device.   When I touch the box the unit is grounded and the hum does away.   When everything else is connected, touching metal (Bencher paddle, TS-480 metal tuning knob, Control-RRC chassis) also makes the hum go away.  Do you recommend installing a bypass capacitor somewhere?



I have been at this for a couple of days now, still no joy.

The setup works on my LAN, does not work at the control QTH.  Also tried at a friend's QTH.  Both of us have Comcast Cable internet.   I am able to configure the Radio-RRC box remotely via the internet from the control QTH, but sometimes the browser times out.   I get a continuous alarm tone when I attempt to turn on the head unit of the TS-480.

1) I configured the Control-RRC for DHCP and the Radio-RRC with a static IP.

2) Disabled SIP ALG and SPI at the control QTH router (Netgear WGR614v7).   I did not see a way to do this on the Asus router at the radio QTH, but I will check again today when I get up to the radio site (70 miles away)

3) Changed SIP port to 5061 on both boxes in case of conflict on 5060 (I do have comcast phone service at the Control QTH)

4) sip contact is set on Control-RRC to the remoterig ddns domain name

5) on the Radio-RRC, Extern IP/Host gets filled in correctly as an ip address

Here is the info and status for each box.  Thanks in advance!



Name   Value
Company   Microbit
Product   1258
PID   4
Hardware   6
Software   2.50
Bootloader   1.9
Compiler   4.1.2 (WinARM 4/2007)
Build   Dec 15 2011 15:15:54
ROM/RAM   372540/50740
ETH-RAM   2944 (max 3kB!)
ResetSrc   0 [3]
Uptime   878
Serial number   4498
MAC address   00:1e:fd:01:88:32
IP address


Name   Value
Control panel   ON
Radio   OFF
Connection status   Disconnected
SIP status   Idle
Last SIP error   None
RTP/UDP audio status   Disconnected
UDP cmd status   Disconnected
SIP command timeout   0
Rx Jitter buffer size   4
Rx Jitter delay   3
Dual Rx   0
SIP Out port   5061
SIP In port   5061
Audio Out port   0
Audio In port   0
Command Out port   0
Command In port   12000
External SIP In port   5061
External Audio In port   11000
External Cmd In port   12000
Other party
Input 0   High
Input 1   High
Input 2   High
Output 0   Low
Output 1   Low
Output 2   Low
DNS status   No Dns Server configured
Active profile:   Default
PTT status:   OFF



Name   Value
Radio   ON
Connection status   Disconnected
SIP status   Idle
Last SIP error   None
RTP/UDP audio status   Disconnected
UDP cmd status   Disconnected
SIP command timeout   0
Rx Jitter buffer size   4
Rx Jitter delay   3
Dual Rx   0
External IP
SIP Out port   5061
SIP In port   5061
Audio Out port   0
Audio In port   0
Command Out port   0
Command In port   12000
External SIP In port   5061
External Audio In port   11000
External Cmd In port   12000
Other party
Input 1   High
Input 2   High
Output 0   Low
Output 1   Low
Output 2   Low
Dynamic DNS status   OK
Ping status (watchdog)   Off
DNS status   OK, =
Active profile:   Default
PTT status:   OFF


Name   Value
Company   Microbit
Product   1258
PID   4
Hardware   6
Software   2.50
Bootloader   1.9
Compiler   4.1.2 (WinARM 4/2007)
Build   Dec 15 2011 15:15:54
ROM/RAM   372540/50740
ETH-RAM   2944 (max 3kB!)
ResetSrc   0 [3]
Uptime   6592
Serial number   4407
MAC address   00:1e:fd:01:87:d7
IP address

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