« on: 2015-05-21, 03:15:23 »
I've almost got RRC-Micro running, but I could sure use a bit of help. Setup is an IC-7100, Firmware 2.85, RRC-Micro version 1.7.0 With the control and radio RRC-1258, everything works perfectly (Mode 2). Then I try to connect RRC-Micro. It appears to connect normally (screen shot attached) and receive an audio stream with RTP activity, steady buffer use. A faint hiss from the speakers. But within 2 seconds of starting, I note the following status changes from the Radio Web UI.
Just before starting RRC-Micro:
Radio OFF
Connection status Disconnected
SIP status Idle
Last SIP error None
RTP/UDP audio status Disconnected
UDP cmd status Disconnected
... then IMMEDIATELY after starting - the radio is powered on, and audio is streaming, but a UDP error at 0 immediately occurs:
Radio ON
Connection status Faulty(See below)
SIP status Connected/transfering
Last SIP error None
RTP status Excellent(60)
UDP cmd status Error(0)
.. then, about two seconds later:
Name Value
Radio OFF
Connection status Disconnected
SIP status Error
Last SIP error SIP Error
RTP/UDP audio status Disconnected
UDP cmd status Disconnected
... and it stays that way until I stop RRC-Micro, when it returns to idle/normal.
What is strange is that UDP commands are clearly making it when I run in mode 2 with the control RRC. I have double checked jumpers. Firewall and antivirus on the RRC-Micro host machine are disabled. CI-V is connected on COM2 with an Icom CT-17 and brand new serial cable; baud rate at 4800/N/8/2. COM0 and COM1 are inactive on Micro RRC, and audio, command, and SIP ports are the same between RRC-Micro and the Radio RRC (and work fine from the Control RRC). After scouring this forum, I also tried setting RTP transmission mode to continuous, that didn't help. Audio quality to 0 on the Radio end as I understand the RRC-Micro requires.
One possible clue from debug mode on Micro RRC (I won't replicate the whole file here), but can send it:
[normal initialization... then:]
17:42:58 Stored=
17:42:58 RRC=
17:42:58 Rtp=1.2.0
17:42:58 Microbit 2.0 AB Virtual COM 2.6.2
17:42:59 FabulaTech Virtual Serial Port Bus
17:42:59 Integrated Microphone Array (ID
17:42:59 External Mic (IDT High Definiti
17:42:59 Stereo Mix (IDT High Definition
17:42:59 Line (2- Microbit 1274A)
17:42:59 Microphone (2- Microbit 1274A)
17:42:59 Speakers and Headphones (IDT Hi
17:42:59 Communications Headphones (IDT
17:42:59 Speakers (2- Microbit 1274A)
17:42:59 RTP version 1.1.0
17:42:59 Checking Network Interface
17:42:59 Network is Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
17:42:59 Checking authorization
17:42:59 Dongle is present
17:42:59 This is a valid installation
17:42:59 Initalizing CW Page
[end excerpt]
Note the conflicting version reports for the RTP version... Not much happens in the log at the moment the disconnect happens, it looks like this:
17:43:3 [RTP] IP=, Port=13001, SizeSpk=80, SizeMic=40, J-Delay=6, J-Size=8, MicID=Integrated Microphone Array (ID, SpkID=Speakers (2- Microbit 1274A)
17:43:3 [RTP] Voip started
17:43:3 RTP Connected
17:43:3 COM2{2} listening on TCP port 11184
17:43:3 COM: UDP Listening on port 13002
17:43:3 UDP/COM Manager Started
17:43:4 [RTP] WaveIn::Open SUCCESS
17:43:4 [RTP] Start Playback
17:43:5 [RTP] waveOutRestart <<<<<<<==== THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR SEEMS TO OCCUR - what follows is just me shutting down a minute later
17:44:19 COM listener stop.
17:44:19 UDP/COM Manager Stopped
17:44:19 Connection closed in comAcceptCallback
17:44:19 [RTP] RtpClose
I'm stumped. UDP commands get there fine with the control RRC - though it is interesting to see the countdown get as low as 17 or so before resetting to about 45. I do have several routers and a WiFi link between the two ends, but ping times are short, signals strong, and again - it works fine from the Control RRC at the same point in the network that the Windows 7 machine running Micro-RRC fails.
Can anyone please help?
Dave WQ1K