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Topics - wq1k

Pages: [1]
General / Workaround for tone doesn't work
« on: 2018-01-16, 23:55:05 »
I am trying to use RRC-Nano with my IC-7100 on VHF-FM.  Unfortunately, RRC-Nano doesn't support memory channels.  And no access to settings for setting PL tones.  These are features we will one day have I hope.

In the meantime, the workaround that should work is to leave a VFO (let's say VFO B) set up for a repeater, with tone frequency and tone mode set.  The IC-7100 saves the tone information along with the other VFO settings and the tone settings survive power cycles just fine.

However, when RRC-Nano connects, it resets the TONE setting to none.  This is reproducible by simply 1. Setting a VFO with a tone via the control panel.  2. Power cycling to confirm the tone was saved.  3. Connect with RRC-Nano and immediately disconnect.  4. Power back on from the panel - the tone is disabled as a side effect of the RRC-Nano connect.

A fix would be wonderful!  Happy to do it if you'd share the source -

Dave WQ1K

General / Nano on Samsung Galaxy Note 4 with IC-7100
« on: 2015-05-30, 15:26:21 »
Hi Jan,

Having gotten RRC-Micro to work well I'm now enjoying RRC-Nano with my IC-7100 but I think my license didn't get activated: I foolishly didn't read the directions carefully and went ahead and purchased a license without putting the Radio ID (IDb196) in the comments field.  I'm not sure if I have all the features even activated - how can I tell if the license is active?

Also, it asks for an email account on startup and seems to only work with gmail - is that a part of getting full functionality to work?

Finally, I'm hoping that memory mode is supported so that Nano can be used to access local repeaters remotely -- or that DUP/TONE etc. features could be used in VFO mode.  Not sure if this is possible because I'm not sure if I have all the features activated..


Dave WQ1K

General discussion / Can't solve UDP error
« on: 2015-05-21, 03:15:23 »
I've almost got RRC-Micro running, but I could sure use a bit of help.  Setup is an IC-7100, Firmware 2.85, RRC-Micro version 1.7.0  With the control and radio RRC-1258, everything works perfectly (Mode 2).  Then I try to connect RRC-Micro.  It appears to connect normally (screen shot attached) and receive an audio stream with RTP activity, steady buffer use. A faint hiss from the speakers.  But within 2 seconds of starting, I note the following status changes from the Radio Web UI.

Just before starting RRC-Micro:

Radio   OFF
Connection status   Disconnected
SIP status   Idle
Last SIP error   None
RTP/UDP audio status   Disconnected
UDP cmd status   Disconnected

... then IMMEDIATELY after starting - the radio is powered on, and audio is streaming, but a UDP error at 0 immediately occurs:

Radio   ON
Connection status   Faulty(See below)
SIP status   Connected/transfering
Last SIP error   None
RTP status   Excellent(60)
UDP cmd status   Error(0)

.. then, about two seconds later:

Name   Value
Radio   OFF
Connection status   Disconnected
SIP status   Error
Last SIP error   SIP Error
RTP/UDP audio status   Disconnected
UDP cmd status   Disconnected

... and it stays that way until I stop RRC-Micro, when it returns to idle/normal.

What is strange is that UDP commands are clearly making it when I run in mode 2 with the control RRC.  I have double checked jumpers.  Firewall and antivirus on the RRC-Micro host machine are disabled.  CI-V is connected on COM2 with an Icom CT-17 and brand new serial cable; baud rate at 4800/N/8/2.  COM0 and COM1 are inactive on Micro RRC, and audio, command, and SIP ports are the same between RRC-Micro and the Radio RRC (and work fine from the Control RRC).  After scouring this forum, I also tried setting RTP transmission mode to continuous, that didn't help.  Audio quality to 0 on the Radio end as I understand the RRC-Micro requires.

One possible clue from debug mode on Micro RRC (I won't replicate the whole file here), but can send it:

[normal initialization... then:]

17:42:58 Stored=
17:42:58 RRC=
17:42:58 Rtp=1.2.0

17:42:58 Microbit 2.0 AB Virtual COM 2.6.2
17:42:59 FabulaTech Virtual Serial Port Bus

17:42:59 Integrated Microphone Array (ID
17:42:59 External Mic (IDT High Definiti
17:42:59 Stereo Mix (IDT High Definition
17:42:59 Line (2- Microbit 1274A)
17:42:59 Microphone (2- Microbit 1274A)
17:42:59 Speakers and Headphones (IDT Hi
17:42:59 Communications Headphones (IDT
17:42:59 Speakers (2- Microbit 1274A)

17:42:59 RTP version 1.1.0
17:42:59 Checking Network Interface
17:42:59 Network is Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
17:42:59 Checking authorization
17:42:59 Dongle is present
17:42:59 This is a valid installation
17:42:59 Initalizing CW Page

[end excerpt]

Note the conflicting version reports for the RTP version...  Not much happens in the log at the moment the disconnect happens, it looks like this:

17:43:3 [RTP] IP=, Port=13001, SizeSpk=80, SizeMic=40, J-Delay=6, J-Size=8, MicID=Integrated Microphone Array (ID, SpkID=Speakers (2- Microbit 1274A)
17:43:3 [RTP] Voip started
17:43:3 RTP Connected
17:43:3 COM2{2} listening on TCP port 11184
17:43:3 COM: UDP Listening on port 13002
17:43:3 UDP/COM Manager Started
17:43:4 [RTP] WaveIn::Open SUCCESS
17:43:4 [RTP] Start Playback
17:43:5 [RTP] waveOutRestart           <<<<<<<==== THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR SEEMS TO OCCUR - what follows is just me shutting down a minute later
17:44:19 COM listener stop.
17:44:19 UDP/COM Manager Stopped
17:44:19 Connection closed in comAcceptCallback
17:44:19 [RTP] RtpClose

I'm stumped.  UDP commands get there fine with the control RRC - though it is interesting to see the countdown get as low as 17 or so before resetting to about 45.  I do have several routers and a WiFi link between the two ends, but ping times are short, signals strong, and again - it works fine from the Control RRC at the same point in the network that the Windows 7 machine running Micro-RRC fails.

Can anyone please help?

Dave WQ1K

General discussion / IC706 and RRC-Micro
« on: 2015-05-05, 23:05:43 »
I just purchased the RRC-Micro interface and am not sure how to get it working with the IC-706 MKIIG.  I think I understand from another post that it is not possible to mix the RRC-Micro use with the "remote front panel" connection from another RRC1258, but I am confused as to why it is not possible to use them sequentially -- in other words, connect to the Radio RRC from the RRC1258 control unit with the attached front panel, then disconnect, and start a new connection from the RRC-Micro.

Perhaps the reason is that RRC Micro requires the panel to be mounted on the radio at the radio location, and powered on all the time?  If so, then remote front panel mode and RRC Micro are truly incompatible - but I didn't see that anywhere in the information before purchasing it :-(

Hi all,

My new 1256mkii was working fine for weeks with my IC706mkiiG.  Then, when I started getting audio dropouts in both directions because the network between the control and radio was heavily loaded with other traffic, I tried to fix the problem by increasing the jitter delay.  I made sure both ends matched and the buffer setting was also big enough.  From that point on, the audio problem was fixed, but (perhaps coincidentally) now I have a worse problem with the radio resetting about every 10 minutes or so, as if it had been turned on and off with the power button.

The ICOM front panel on the control end goes dark, flashes, resets, and then resumes operating, all in about five seconds.  However, the antenna tuner is also reset and the rig need to be retuned after that point, which makes me think the resetting might be taking place at the radio end.

I upgraded to software 2.61, but it didn't fix the problem.  It's very annoying during a QSO.  Any ideas?


Dave WQ1K

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