General discussion forum / Solved my keying problem
« on: 2020-06-12, 03:39:51 »
For at least a year I was having a problem with the CW keying messing up. I worked around it by listening to my signal coming back thru the link. When it screwed up, which has been described to me as "slurring", I would just resend. The listening delay wasn't a problem as I key with a computer since almost all CW operating is in contests. I tried every setting possible and replaced every component in the remote link. I came to the conclusion that it was an Internet problem and I wasn't going to be able to fix it. About six weeks ago I got a call from the Spectrum (cable system) Tech who said he needed to remove a filter from my cable drop at the remote site as it was no longer needed. I told him to go ahead and remove the filter. The result is that I now hardly ever have a problem with the keying. I've waited until now to make this report to make sure the problem didn't return. The bottom line is if you have a similar problem, ask if there is a filter (trap) on your cable drop.