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Topics - AD8J

Pages: [1]
General discussion forum / Solved my keying problem
« on: 2020-06-12, 03:39:51 »
For at least a year I was having a problem with the CW keying messing up.  I worked around it by listening to my signal coming back thru the link.  When it screwed up, which has been described to me as "slurring", I would just resend.  The listening delay wasn't a problem as I key with a computer since almost all CW operating is in contests.  I tried every setting possible and replaced every component in the remote link.  I came to the conclusion that it was an Internet problem and I wasn't going to be able to fix it.  About six weeks ago I got a call from the Spectrum (cable system) Tech who said he needed to remove a filter from my cable drop at the remote site as it was no longer needed.  I told him to go ahead and remove the filter.  The result is that I now hardly ever have a problem with the keying.  I've waited until now to make this report to make sure the problem didn't return.  The bottom line is if you have a similar problem, ask if there is a filter (trap) on your cable drop.

General discussion forum / Help - Hum in transmit SSB audio
« on: 2018-10-26, 00:13:29 »
I've been using my Remote Rig pair with a TS-480 for over 4 years with no SSB transmit audio problems.  All of a sudden, I have a very loud hum being transmitted.  CW is fine.  If I take the control head to the remote site, the transmit audio is fine.  I replaced the 12 volt power supply for both RRC's but no change.  I also replaced the 8-pin mic cable between the radio RRC and the rig but the hum is still there.  If I reduce the mic gain to zero, the problem goes away but I have no transmit audio.  The higher the mic gain, the higher the hum.   Using both normal audio and processed audio results in the same hum.  If the TX monitor is in the off position, the hum is reduced slightly.  If I increase the TX monitor level, the hum increases.  If I key the transmitter, in SSB mode, without a mic, the hum is still there.   I normally run the RRC audio configuration at setting 5.  I tried 2 and 7 but it didn't change anything.  I've run out of things to try.  Does anyone have a suggestion?

General discussion forum / Problem with AS-1289 Switch
« on: 2016-03-09, 18:27:50 »
I have developed a problem with my AS-1289 antenna switch when I run high power on 10 meters.  At about 600 watts the led lights start to flash in time with the CW or SSB peaks.  When I get up to about 1000 watts the relays start to chatter and this causes the amp to fault.  I also have the problem on 12 and 15 meters but not as bad.  The main antenna is a SteppIR DB-36 so the SWR is about 1.2 to 1 or less.  Swapping the antenna to a different port tends to help a bit but the problem is still there.  Changing to a different antenna sometimes helps and sometimes it doesn't.   I've tried a different power supply.  I've unhooked the temperature sensor.  I've unhooked the serial connector, which I don't use.  I've tried adding a ground to the switch.  I've tried a different Ethernet cable.  The only thing that solves the problem is to use a barrel connector and bypass the antenna switch.  Doing that results in no lights flashing.  So it appears that the problem is only when the RF is going through the switch.  Has anyone seen this before?

I'm in the process of hooking up my new Acom 2000A at the remote site using a RC-1216H.  I've read the instructions and am ready to make the necessary cables.  Can the RC-1216H control the Acom 2000A without having the Acom 2000A RCU hooked up?  If so, do I just run the wires from Aux SW1  to pins 5 and 9 on RCU connector on the amp itself?  That would also be in addition to the null modem cable from the RC-1216H to the amp.

General discussion forum / TS-480 Voice Keyer Question
« on: 2015-04-01, 03:24:00 »
I am operating my TS-480 in the normal RRC configuration of having the control head at the control location and the radio at the remote site.  I want to add a voice keyer and am trying to decide between the Kenwood VGS-1 board, installed in the radio, or a stand alone voice keyer at the control location.  I am interested in hearing from anyone that has done either.  Specifically, has anyone had a problem using the VGS-1 remotely?

I have purchased a temperature probe to connect to the antenna switch.  It has three wires (red, black, blue).  The manual says to connect it to bus "B" but nothing is marked in the box.  Not counting the serial connector, I have a 6 pin connector near the side and a 6 pin screw terminal near the front.  Which connector is bus "B" and which terminals do I connect to?  Thanks

I haven't been able to get mine automatically follow the TS-480 frequency using the IP.   In  the Radio RRC under advanced settings I have the UDP antenna-switch port set to 13010.  In the antenna switch under radio-RRC settings I  have:

   Mode Enabled
   IP Address (the IP of the Radio RRC)
   UDP Port  13010

Is there something else I must set?

Do I need to do something with port forwarding in the router?

Finally, the manual says to make sure the jumper JMPx is in the EXT position.  I can't find that item.  Is there really such a thing?  My SN is 2493.

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