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Topics - Dieter

Pages: [1]
General discussion forum / RC1216H to remote control UB50
« on: 2024-06-17, 17:14:17 »
Hello everybody.
Has one ever tried to remotely control an UB50 Antenna with RC-1216H from remoterig? If so I would be very interested to get in touch with this person.
Dieter (DJ2OT)

Feature Requests / RC 1216 H/Expert 1,3K-FA
« on: 2015-12-02, 11:22:23 »
Hello everyone.

Will there be a software release to control a Expert 1,3K with the RC 1216H ?

Dieter DJ2OT

Hi Everybody.

I am interested to use your new RC1216H to control a SteppIR antenna. It is however desirable not only to control the frequency etc. but also the rotator with one (1) RC1216H. Is it intented to have a modified H1216 box that can control both the frequency as well as the rotator ?

P.S. I am using two sets of your RRC 1258 to control two TS 2000 one in Germany and the other in Spain with no problems.

Hi Everybody.

I am interested to use your new RC1216H to control a SteppIR antenna. It is however desirable not only to control the frequency etc. but also the rotator with one (1) RC1216H. Is it intented to have a modified H1216 box that can control both the frequency as well as the rotator ?

P.S. I am using two sets of your RRC 1258 to control two TS 2000 one in Germany and the other in Spain with no problems.

General discussion forum / COM 1 ports for rotator control
« on: 2010-04-05, 09:29:40 »
I am trying to control my Yaesu G-2800 DXC rotator with Yaesu computer controller GS-232 B, using the COM 1 interfaces of the two RRC's.But it doesn't work.I configured both boxes as follows: 9600 baud, 8/1/0 bits.I tried all modes from mode 1 to mode 5, but nothing worked.If I connect the two straigt cables (the one from the computer to the one to the GS-232 B rotor controller, it works.I tested the output COM 1 (Radio Side) with a scope and found no signals, but there are signals at the input COM 1 (Control Side)

What is probabely wrong ? Any help would be appreciated very much.


Dieter DJ2OT

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