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Topics - WD0AJG

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I bought some used units.  The tags on them said serial number 9937 - radio unit and the other said 9940 control unit but when I hook up they both say they are a radio unit and both show serial 9937 although they do have different mac addresses
The control unit ( yes it has the cw knob, has a mac of :00:1E:FD:01:9D:71
The actual radio unit (no cw knob) has a mac of :00:23:a7:4f:ab:2d

How or can they be corrected?  I have tried reset several times but they still both come up 9937 a radio unit .


Configuration, RRC 1258 / radio unit reset with bad serial
« on: 2020-10-07, 03:45:10 »
I had my units working.  was connected and did a disconnect then I can't connect.  At that site I also have a teamviewer computer and checked the router and the radio unit was not connecting to the network.   I had it hooked up to the USB and it came up with a erronous huge serial number (117835012).  via setup but it does not show mac .  So we did a full reset push of the reset button for 20+ seconds and it did come up and had base IP address of and via the microbit setup I was able to get it back to the needed to access the router but it still has the false serial in the net info box I get all the rigt stuff for linking to the router but below I get:
Device connected!
FW/HW version suddessfully retrieved
SW version succesfully retrieved

it also now has a new set of addresses for the ddns settings and I can not change them back to what I had before and with the huge serial it is not logging in
username shows rrc1258-117835012 
when I go search for it it does not show up via it's own host name that is now different from previous 
the old original serial should have been 13889.

How to I get it reset to access?

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