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Topics - MartinF

Pages: [1]
Allmänt diskussionsforum / 1216H sparar korrupta tecken
« on: 2016-09-02, 07:39:01 »
Hej, jag uppdaterade igår från en förhistorisk version, via v1.12, till den senaste. Tecken som skrivs in korrumperas när de sparas och det allvarligaste med detta är att jag då inte kan använda lösenordsskydd. Skriver jag exempelvis in "Martin" som Unit Id så sparas det ibland som "L!rdhN" och ibland som "A`0thh".

Jag har nu:

Software   4.23
Hardware   1
Bootloader   1.8

General discussion forum / Can't set name for relay 6
« on: 2011-08-14, 01:25:29 »
Seems like a bug?

I would be very useful to read the present state of the relays via LAN (and also the nexa remotes and the 1-wire values).
Is this somehow already possible or will this feature be implemented in future versions? 

Configuration, Webswitch 1216H / Time setting
« on: 2011-02-16, 17:11:07 »
On the start-up page it says "System time: 559-09-24 8:11:02 Thursday(4) yearday=16".
I've activated SNMP in my router (TP-Link TD-W8960N). The only SNMP setting in the router which seems relevant is "Trap Manager IP". I tried setting it to a free IP and it was accepted by the webswitch (also tried the router IP which was not accepted).
Help needed!

Pages: [1]