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Messages - guanaco

Pages: 1 [2]
General discussion forum / Re: remoterig - TS480 - expert 1K
« on: 2013-11-13, 14:54:44 »
Mike, Need to figure that one out.

Anyhow, maybe it's interesting to have some sort of knowledge base with user config examples. 'cause once it's figured out, everything is simple, right? It's just a matter of gathering all the info that takes a lot of time.
In any case, I'll document my own config in detail and post it somewhere - once it's finished.

General discussion forum / Re: remoterig - TS480 - expert 1K
« on: 2013-11-13, 14:33:24 »
Indeed, that's what I initially thought, but - according to Mike - you would also need a cable between expert and TS480 for band detection.
Or would you rely on the build in frequency counter on the expert to do the automatic bandswitching?

General discussion forum / Re: remoterig - TS480 - expert 1K
« on: 2013-11-13, 14:09:49 »
And thanks again for the reply :-)
But I only have 1 CAT interface on the TS480, but I need a cable from expert to CAT of TS480 to get bandswitch working AND I need a cable from  RRC to the same CAT port on the TS480..

Or can this be done in parallel?

General discussion forum / Re: remoterig - TS480 - expert 1K
« on: 2013-11-13, 13:18:40 »
Ok. Thanks again for the reply!
Guy, (or maybe someone else?)

Do you know if automatic bandswitching for the expert AND CAT control for the Transciever can be done simultaneously?
I mean, CAT control requires the CAT connector for the TS480 to be connected to COM2 of the Radio RRC, but automatic bandswitch would also require the very same connector on the TS480, so how would this work?

On the control part, CAT could be done via the virtual ports, but we still need to make an interface for audio, right?

(maybe Guy posted it somewhere on his drawings, but most of them are lost on the server)

General discussion forum / Re: remoterig - TS480 - expert 1K
« on: 2013-11-12, 16:21:43 »

Thanks a lot for reply!
the puzzle is getting more clear now. Still miss some pieces.
Ok, so the expert cable will do the trick, except for automatic bandswitching.

So, then there's one question remaining: CAT (hrd for logging and digital modes).
I need to connect radio with radio-RRC via RS232 cable (COM2), but what is needed on the control side? I do have a microham keyer II, so I guess I need to make my own DB37 -> control-RRC cable? Or can this be done via the USB interface?

It would be good to be able to do automatic bandswitching as well, but since COM2 (CAT) and COM1 (expert -> RRC) are both in use, I don't have other options, right?

Once This thing is sorted out I'll put everything on a drawing, to make life easier for other people with the same setup :-)

General discussion forum / Re: remoterig - TS480 - expert 1K
« on: 2013-11-12, 13:51:08 »
Anyone could help me out with this please?

On the radio side, I just need to connect RRC with radio via DB-9, but what do I need at the control side?

General discussion forum / Re: remoterig - TS480 - expert 1K
« on: 2013-10-17, 13:03:49 »
Any luck finding back your old drawings?

General discussion forum / Re: remoterig - TS480 - expert 1K
« on: 2013-10-09, 22:05:47 »

Went through all the posts, but 90% of the images seems to be corrupt  :(
Well, I guess I'd be able to get voice working, but I would also like to use PSK, RTTY, CW via HRD/DM780.
I currently have a TS850 and microham keyer II, which I'm using for both PSK, SSTV and CW, but I have a hard time understanding/visualizing how to set this up on a remote system.
(Haven't actually bought the remoterig hardware, so I'm not able to play with it yet, first I need to know everything so I could buy all at once :-) )

It would be nice to actually see everything connected on a drawing. I'm sure Guy already posted some drawings, but they suffer from digital mice I guess!
I currently have 4 virtual com ports: CAT, CW, PTT and KEY; I guess I only need 1 of them for the remote setup. As far as I understood, I could use COM2;
COM1 could be used for the expert amplifier control, right?

So how and where is the microham keyer actually connected? This is still located on the control side, right?

General discussion forum / Re: remoterig - TS480 - expert 1K
« on: 2013-10-09, 14:02:21 »
Hi Mitch,

Thanks for the info. Still 1 thing not clear to me.

Manual on page 13 states "The USB interface is used to initially set up the IP parameters. It can also be used for downloading new software (can also be done via the WEB interface). At the Control - RRC it can also be used for CAT control, PTT, RTTY or CW control via the RTS and DTR signals in the virtual COM - port delivered by the RRC USB device ."

The part in bold isn't clear for me.. I thought I didn't need an additional connector for digital modes then. I thought DM780/HRD would just take care of sending the audio via the USB port. Isn't that the case?

I currently have a microham keyer II, so I wonder how this thing will fit into the remote setup. So far I thought I didn't need this.

General discussion forum / Re: remoterig - TS480 - expert 1K
« on: 2013-10-08, 20:39:11 »
Thanks for your reply!

Ok regarding COM2 for CAT, but since I'm using a rotor controller (1216L) I won't need COM1 for rotor control. So I guess (correct me if I'm wrong) I could use COM1 for the amplifier?

Of for the cable on the radio side..

regarding the RRC I/O for digital modes, could you please provide more info on this (link) ?



General discussion forum / remoterig - TS480 - expert 1K
« on: 2013-10-08, 13:56:10 »

I’m about to order some remoterig equipment for my setup. But to save some extra shipping costs, I really want to be sure I have all I need .
I’d like to control my TS480 and Yaesu rotor (for which I don’t have a controller). I also want to use an expert 1K remotely. Also want to do CW and digital modes (psk, rtty, ..)
I figured I needed this for voice communication:
- set of RRC-1258MkIIs ( + 12V adapters
- webswitch 1216H + 12V adapter
- rotor remote control 1216L

I could make the cables myself. I have another 20V power supply which will be used to turn the rotor CW or CCW. This 20v could be switched by the 1216L.

But I wonder what I actually need to get digital modes working:
Based on the drawing at page I only need a cat cable (Kenwood CAT Cables K14c,K15c ?)  between transciever and RRC. Is this the only thing I need? On the controlling side I would only use a PC with HRD. Or am I missing something here?

Could you please confirm this is indeed all I need?
I guess both the Radio-RRC and the RRC-amplifier cables are all documented, so this should be easy to make..


General discussion forum / customize webswitch menu
« on: 2013-09-24, 13:52:17 »

I'm still considering to buy the webswitch to control some AC power sockets on the remote station. However, I'd like to combine relay 1 and 2 for 1 single action: turning on the main power to the remote server rack. relay 1 will switch phase L1, relay 2 phase L2.. So It would be nice to have this on the website with 1 single button.
Is it possible to customize these menus?
(Havent bought one yet, so I'm not able to try these things out.. )


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