Author Topic: Rotor Control  (Read 6156 times)


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Rotor Control
« on: 2011-12-02, 22:15:13 »
The RRC-1258MKII manual is pretty good but is misses a few things that I had to get help on. In regards to controlling a rotor over the Internet here are the setting I use with some help from Mike. With just the manual you will never get it working unless you have your own knowledge of how this works and understand what Micorbit is doing or are extremely lucky at guessing!

I have the Idiom press RS-232 interface " ROTOR EZ" and I am using it with a Hygain Tailtwister.

I am controlling it with Logic 8(Could be TRX Manager)  and have it working on my computer using COM1 over the Internet.
Following is how I have it set up. You need to choose the correct rotor RS-232 interface.

In the RCC control box
My COM1 serial settings are:
- mode 3
- 4800 baud
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- parity 0-off
- rts/cts no
- terminator 00
- USB, no

On the control end I have straight cable from my Computer COM port on the laptop which is COM1 and I have Logic 8(could be TRX Manager) set for COM1 for rotor control.  This cable goes to COM1 on the RCC Control box.  On the remote radio box I am using the cable with pins  2 and 3 and 7 and 8 crossed over as in the manual. This cable goes from COM1 on the radio box to the Rotor RS-232 port.

In the RCC radio box my Serial COM1 settings:

- mode 3
- 4800 baud
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- parity 0-off
- rts/cts no
- terminator 00

I am using V2.46 software

I am able to control and do logging with my K3 using TRX Manager or Logic 8 with TRX Manager using COM2. That set up I have posted under K3