Author Topic: Volume Control Slider has no affect on audio level using Dongle connections  (Read 8874 times)


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I haven't tried my setup for quite some time.  Before upgrading the RRC Client to the latest version I upgraded the MKII units to the latest version. 

Prior to actually upgrading the Client I checked the MKII units which were working and then checked the Client which works but the volume slider does not adjust the audio level.  I upgraded the Client and still no audio adjustment.  I should have tested the Client before upgrading the MK II units.

I haven't tested transmitting yet as I first need to resolve the receive audio issue.

I saw that the latest version for Client now works with more control programs than HRD and I am hoping I will be able to control my station using Writelog.  Probably won't work but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The last time I tested my system the audio adjustment had been working properly.  I probably overlooked something.  Any thoughts on a quick solution or do I need to go read the latest version of the user manual.

73 de Walt, W6SA


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Never mind.  I forgot I have to use option ONE, CHAR by CHAR with my FT1000 MP MKV.   I had picked the Yaesu option.   Volume control works fine now.   :-[

Have to call it a night as I have to be in to work very early tomorrow.   More testing to come tomorrow night.  I have a lot of catching up to do with the new features and options.