Author Topic: COM-2 or COM-1 Control of AOR AR8600 MKII receiver  (Read 5781 times)


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I currently have both control and radio ends configured on COM2.  The AOR AR8600 MKII requires a 9600 baud, with 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, and 0 parity.  Both control and radio remote rigs are configured as such with COM2  in Mode 3, and rts/cts is off.  Full-duplex is on, and continuous RTP tx is off.  Both boxes are connected to the internet and I a able to listen to audio from the AOR receiver and control it either via Hyperterminal, or the company's software.  When querring the S-meter, I get nothing ( or a null string) in return. 

How do I get transparent RS-232 control with the remoterig RRC-1258 MKII?