Hello group,
I wanted to share some pics from Dayton this year. I had the honor of meeting SM2O and DJ0QN at the Crowne Plaza with a couple a cold ones

SM20 and WW2DX
We actually setup a K3/0 in a empty banquet hall adjacent to the party running over a AT&T 4G LTE card and had a blast operating the W2RE.com contest station all night

Guys operating the remoterig setup, good times!

K3WW running Russians on 20m CW. You can see the 4G LTE card on the table to the right.

OK, so been a busy bee and have some feature requests that I would like put out there for consideration.
1. Enable the power LED to send in morse code the last octet of the IP address if DHCP and/or use the built in CW keyer to send the tones.
Longer stretch : On the K3/0, the ability for the RRC to generate the CAT commands and send the IP address to the K3's CW Decode display.
2. Move the "Profiles" out of the password restricted area of the menu system. Pretty please with sugar on top.
3. Ability to export EVERYTHING in the RRC config. We have multiple profiles and need to be able to import/export these in the bin files.
4. Possible to sample the serial data passing through the RRC and post radio band/mode/freq in the RRC webpage.
5. Enable the dyndns utility in the LOCAL RRC firmware. Yes, would like to be able to get to the local side as well as the remote side.
6. With the K3/0, use the keyer speed control on the K3 to control the speed control in the RRC keyer.
7. Embed the RRC into the K3/0. Would like to see just a 12v power source and a wifi antenna, thats it.
8. Get the wireless adapter manufacturer to put a fire under it

I hope I embedded the pics correctly.
Thanks guys, 73!