Author Topic: TS-480 CAT problems  (Read 8659 times)


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TS-480 CAT problems
« on: 2010-05-04, 11:45:00 »
Hi Folks,

I have just picked up a TS-480 to use with my second RRC set of boxes. i have the remote head working FB along with TX/RX audio.

I want to use my Microkeyer II for CAT control and am having problems. The CAT cable from the MKII at the head end works when plugged into the TS-480 directly so this is clearly fine. This leaves me with some  questions:

Which type of cable should I use from the radio RRC com port to the rig? Straight through or null modem?

Also, what settings should I use in the RRC config - I know the baud rate (9K6 in my case), but assume it is 8 bits, 1 stop bit no parity (as per kenwood manual). Should I be using the Forced "0" parity instead?

I assume it doesn't matter which COM port I use?
