Author Topic: Connect to radio, no sound  (Read 9971 times)


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Connect to radio, no sound
« on: 2014-10-06, 06:33:40 »
When connecting to remote radio I usually hear some clicks and then, a sound from the radio.
Sometimes to hear the sound I had to connect/disconnect a few times.
Today I tried to get access to my radio (Elecraft K3) from a hotel. Heard some clicks, but not all of them which I hear from home location, some were missing. It looked like a connection was established, I could change frequencies and other settings with HamRadio Deluxe, but heard no sound what so ever! Repeatedly tried to connect/disconnect - still no sound.
Do appreciate if someone could give me a hint where to troubleshoot. A friend of mine sharing the same RRC remote control box, but using K3/0 had no problem to connect.
Any input greatly appreciated.
Evgeny, VE3SSR.   


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Re: Connect to radio, no sound
« Reply #1 on: 2014-10-06, 10:10:31 »
Hi Evgney,

Did you look at the status page on the RRC (on either side) to see if there are any error messages?
That would help.

It looks however like you may still be using port 5060 for SIP, which is blocked by many hotels. If this
is the case, just change it to anything else and it will probably work just fine again.

If not, then we need some input on the status page errors.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Connect to radio, no sound
« Reply #2 on: 2014-10-07, 04:41:58 »
Hello Mitch,
Do appreciate your quick response.

Sorry to trouble you, it was my mistake. It's a first time when I used Yaesu MD-100 microphone connected directly to RRC box. The microphone base has 2 PTT switches- Lock and PTT, plus the microphone itself also has a PTT switch, which accidently was turned on. That is why I heard no sound since the radio was in transmit mode.
Most of the troubles lie on the surface, including this one.
When I travel, I use TP-Link access point (WR843ND) as a wireless/wire bridge and it works fine for me. No problems working from US/Mexico hotels.

Thanks again,
Evgeny, VE3SSR