Author Topic: Dumb Question About FSK in a K3/Twin set up  (Read 10040 times)


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Dumb Question About FSK in a K3/Twin set up
« on: 2015-02-11, 22:09:54 »
I've read the RemoteRig section on RTTY and W1UE's writeup. Nowhere did I actually see anything about getting the audio to the PC/software on the  Control side.

I'm guessing I need to run a cable from the SPKR jack on the front of the Control RRC to the PC microphone input to the sound card? That would mean disconnecting the headphones.

Configuration: K3/Mini to laptop running N1MM/MMTTY.

73 John K3TN


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Re: Dumb Question About FSK in a K3/Twin set up
« Reply #1 on: 2015-02-11, 22:52:21 »
There are no dumb questions, just dumb answers sometimes   ;)

Anyway, just pretend that your RRC is the rig: connect to the RRC's MIC and SPK jacks to receive
and send audio. You can probably use a Y-cable or something to listen on the headphones.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Dumb Question About FSK in a K3/Twin set up
« Reply #2 on: 2015-02-12, 12:48:04 »
Thanks, Mitch - I sort of figured that, but was scratching my head thinking: is the RX audio going over the USB connection from Control RRC to PC? I've gotten so sucked into virtual ports, Device Manager, etc. I sort of forgot about those good old audio paths...


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Re: Dumb Question About FSK in a K3/Twin set up
« Reply #3 on: 2015-02-12, 20:13:27 »
As I wrote up before, I was able to get RTTY working no problems.  Yes, the audio from the RR Control Unit was fed to an outboard USB sound card, and I had MMTTY receiving and transmitting RTTY without any problem.  With the WPX RTTY this weekend, I will hook it all up tonight and let you guys know what I had to do to get it to work, assuming I get it to work.   The only setting I know I will have to change in my setup is the USB Com 3 to RTTY instead of Winkeyer, but there may be others.   Dennis W1UE   Now, back to raking the snow off my roof before the next storm gets here!


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Re: Dumb Question About FSK in a K3/Twin set up
« Reply #4 on: 2015-02-13, 01:00:53 »
Thanks, Dennis - I don't have an external sound card, will try to use the laptop sound card for RX.

Turns out this cheap laptop has one of the new single, 4 "line" mini-phonos for  headset plug in vs. separate mic and headphone jacks. Now trying to find one of those adapters in time for WPX RTTY.


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Re: Dumb Question About FSK in a K3/Twin set up
« Reply #5 on: 2015-02-13, 03:21:24 »
To go from CW to RTTY I have to make one change in the RR Control setup- Serial ComFSK or ComExtra or Com3 is now Mode 10- Baudot RTTY.  Before it was Mode 8- Winkey.  After much experimentation and a few emails swapped with Elecraft, I found the sound card that is in the K3Mini0 can't be used by MMTTY.  Having done a lot of RTTY contesting over the years, I wouldn't even attempt to use the K3 RTTY Decode or transmit facilities; I stick to MMTTY or 2Tone. 

In my particular case, ComFSK or USBCom3 was seen by the computer as Com6.  This info goes into MMTTY only; on the transmit tab, PTT&FSK are Port Com 6.  On the Misc tab, under Tx Port, Com-TxD(FSK) is selected, and under the USB Port button Limiting Speed is checked.  On the Sound card tab, I select the proper input on my soundcard, in this case Line In. 

When operating RTTY, I try to set up the soundcard for a constant AF level in.  I run the SP jack on the RR Control unit to the soundcard, plug my headphones into the soundcard output, then set the level of the input using the K3Mini0 AF and RF gain controls.  During the contest, I use the soundcard out level control as an adjustment to the loudness in the headphones. 

One other thing- I bought the original cables from Elecraft, but I've made my own since then.  The Y cable on the back of the Remote K3 has one leg for band decoders, and the other for the RR box lead.  The RR Box lead, as supplied from Elecraft, only has 3 connections: On pin, FSK pin, and Ground pin, so those are the only lines that are on the cable I made.  The only connection that both cables have in common is the ground pin.  That 4 "line" mini-phonos is why I use an external sound card; external sound cards are very cheap, and you can choose the card for the inputs you have available.

In any case, its working for me.  First Q was 3Z0R, with 100w, on 40m. 

If anyone needs a copy of my setup files, let me know.  I'll be on limited time in the WPX RTTY as KM1W.

Dennis W1UE


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Re: Dumb Question About FSK in a K3/Twin set up
« Reply #6 on: 2015-02-16, 21:38:31 »
I was a remote connection to the W3UL multi during the CQ WPX RTTY. I could not get the control RRC audio to simultaneously drive the laptop mic input and my headphones. One or the other worked fine, the two off of a Y cable would cause very low audio input into MMTTY running on the laptop.


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Re: Dumb Question About FSK in a K3/Twin set up
« Reply #7 on: 2015-02-17, 03:42:05 »
I have the same experience; either the headphone or the sound card hogs most of the power.  I use an exterior sound card for 3 reasons:
1. I can purchase one with a Line In jack, something that most laptops don't provide (and its a stereo line in, not a mono mike in)
2. I can set it up so that I have a constant audio signal to the sound card, which makes setting levels for proper decode much easier.
3. I can use the sound card volume control to provide audio to the headphones.

Dennis W1UE


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Re: Dumb Question About FSK in a K3/Twin set up
« Reply #8 on: 2015-02-17, 12:37:38 »
What external sound card are you using? I think I have a SignalLink or something that in a box from years ago before I got the Microham.


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Re: Dumb Question About FSK in a K3/Twin set up
« Reply #9 on: 2015-02-18, 03:37:34 »
I have an "Encore" soundcard- its in a little white box.  I've also used a Tascam and several other boxes.  I think I paid $20 for this one.  Unless you really get into it, I find an inexpensive sound card, as long as it meets the criteria I outlined above, works just fine. 


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Re: Dumb Question About FSK in a K3/Twin set up
« Reply #10 on: 2015-02-22, 00:29:27 »
My approach is somewhat over-kill but I had two Timewave DSP-9+ available so used a Y connecter at the SP output of the Control RRC - one leg of it goes to my earphones and the other leg goes to the pair of DSP-9+ units one for Main Audio and the other for Sub Rx audio. I then run the Line O/P from the DSP units to the L & R channel inputs of the sound card in an HP desktop.  The line output is relative constant for a range of audio adjustments on the K3/10 so changing the earphone settings doesn't seem to bother the RTTY readout.

73,  Doug  VE3MV