Author Topic: IC-7100 reboots during TX on one screen only  (Read 12973 times)


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IC-7100 reboots during TX on one screen only
« on: 2016-08-19, 00:11:08 »
My 7100 reboots on transmit after a few seconds mostly on HF, and also VHF / UHF. The remoterig also acts like it is power cycling with a full reboot.

I thought RF was the issue as it rebooted constantly. Eventually I figured out that this happened only on my favorite screen with all meters up on the screen. If I change to any other screen the system does not reboot.

For several months now I have avoided the screen with all meters visible and not a single reboot!

I have no idea why this particular screen sees the reboot problem but no problem on other screens. This happens remote and also on the LAN.

I would like to figure this out so any theories are appreciated.

My system is heavily decoupled in all respects, and I can say with some confidence that stray RF in my system is not an issue.

My setup does continue to disconnect and restart on receive occasionally, but the internet connection may be the fault there.

Any ideas welcome.

Vancouver BC


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Re: IC-7100 reboots during TX on one screen only
« Reply #1 on: 2016-08-19, 04:18:39 »

It is extremely hard to diagnose this, since you provided no details on exactly what or where your "screen" is.

OTOH, I would think this would be more of a coincidence. To me it looks like either an RF or a power supply
problem. It could be that whatever the "screen" is may be attached to the same power supply as the rig and/or
RRC and causing the problem when too much current is being drawn. I have actually seen that problem occur
quite a few times. If it is not the power supply and really not RF, then we would need to understand more about
your mysterious "screen".

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: IC-7100 reboots during TX on one screen only
« Reply #2 on: 2016-08-19, 04:57:20 »
If you are familiar with the IC7100, there are several screens that can be viewed on the display with different information. One of them all meter functions can be displayed at the same time. This is the one that is the problem. If I select only one meter to display at a time then there is no problem.

I have switched several power supplies and there is no difference. Firmware is 2.90. Screen brightness is usually full.

The only change from ok to the problem is selecting one or four meters on the screen. I have attached pix to show one or four meters selected.



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Re: IC-7100 reboots during TX on one screen only
« Reply #3 on: 2016-08-19, 07:40:48 »
I see, you mean the panel display menu. For me, and IT person, a screen is connected to a computer.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.

There is absolutely no logical reason I can think of after nearly 50 years of doing this stuff to explain why that
menu would cause this problem. I would almost say there is a defect with the Icom. If the power supply on
each side is good and the there 100% no RF issues, then I can only think of the Icom as the culprit.

Maybe Microbit or someone else has a better idea.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: IC-7100 reboots during TX on one screen only
« Reply #4 on: 2016-08-19, 08:55:04 »
If I remove the remoterig from the system there are no apparent issues with the 7100. Everything appears to function normally.

If I view one meter function, everything is normal. If I view four meters it's trouble.


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Re: IC-7100 reboots during TX on one screen only
« Reply #5 on: 2016-08-29, 06:36:58 »
Turns out the problem was with the IC-7100. For whatever reason the issue only showed up with the 7100 operating through the remoterig. I ended up reloading the 7100 firmware and the problem appears to be resolved. Somewhere long the line something must have got corrupted.

Happy to have my system running 100%.

Thanks for the responses and '73.

Vancouver BC