Hi Jan,
unfortunately I have to come back to this topic.
Yesterday after the update I just tested with CW and not with phone. Today when trying to operate on the local UHF relais I recognized that TX audio is sometimes there and sometimes not! If TX audio goes away, then sometimes also RX audio is missing. It returnes after some while and stays available until I again try to transmitt. At that point TX may work or not

It very seldom happens, that even though PTT is pressed the TRX switches back to RX (of course with no RX audio). Looks very much like the SIP stream has been lost.
When this happens I can see RTP timeout time in the Remote RRC going down from 60 step by step until approx. 40 (or even less), then jumping back to 60 and everything works fine again for a few seconds.
Ping round trip time is 30...35ms.
Any hints?
More than ever: NEVER change a running system!
Edit: Looks like it does not really have to do with transmitting or not. Just have been monitoring the RTP timeout value in the Remote RRC. It is normally reading 60, and TX is possible. Suddenly the value starts to decrease and from that point on no TX audio is there. At some point, mostly at values arount 40, it jumps back to 60 and TX audio again is present. After some seconds the value again is decreasing and TX audio disappears.