Author Topic: Microham MKII and Remoterig  (Read 10183 times)


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Microham MKII and Remoterig
« on: 2017-07-26, 09:10:35 »
Hello. I have a yaest ftdx5000 and remoterig and I am thinking to buy a Microham MKII. I would like to have them all connected so I can operate the 5000 either remotely either locally without to need to change cables.
What I thought is
1. connect 5000 cat port to remoterig com2 (mode 4). JMP3 connected and a cable 1 by 1 (I think only 2-2, 3-3, 5-5, 7-7,8-8 is needed, right? or only 2,3,5 and just the JMP3 is enough for 7 and 8?)
2. connect remoterig com1 to computer's com1. Mode 6 in remoterig's com1. Right? I am little bit confused with the cable. Is right that I need to connect 2-3, 3-2, 5-5, 7-8, 8-7?
Anything more tip that I didn't give attention?


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Re: Microham MKII and Remoterig
« Reply #1 on: 2017-07-26, 11:50:02 »
I am not an expert on Microham, but I have helped a couple of people to get it running.

Since you mentioned mode-4, you are not running your setup in "Twin" mode. This would allow
you to best use COM2 for CAT control. If you were to use "Twin" mode, then you would be
forced to use COM1 instead.

Although in theory you could use the Microham on the radio side on COM2, I do not recommend it
for two reasons:
1) The Microham only works when it has the power button pressed to turn it on. This means that if
power were to be removed, you would no longer be able to access the radio remotely without someone
manually turning it on, since it can not be turned on remotely.
2) The Microham has lots of controls (also software) that are best in front of the operator. This is much
easier from the control side and works just as well when the internet connection is good.

To conclude: use the Microham remotely from the control side and use COM2.

If you still have problems, you can always enable COM1 in mode-6, but as you mentioned the cabling
needs to reverse the pins.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX
you can always move it to COM


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Re: Microham MKII and Remoterig
« Reply #2 on: 2017-07-26, 19:58:28 »
Mitch tnx for the reply
I want to use microham when I am in my home where the radio is. When I use it remotely, I want my setup to be minimal, so I don't want microham or anything else.
No I don't use twin mode. I have not 2 radios and I 'd like to control the radio with the computer only (and RRC Micro PC client) to keep the setup minimal.
So my I operate my radio either remotely either local. This is why I want cabling serves both options...


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Re: Microham MKII and Remoterig
« Reply #3 on: 2017-07-26, 20:12:21 »
Thanks for clarifying, that simplifies the answer:

For the Microham, you must use COM1 of the radio RRC in mode-6 or mode-7 and make sure that you wire the connector
correctly (a null modem adapter will likely work ok).

The reason is that COM2 must be used for standard CAT for the RRC Micro to work and the Microham will not function if turned
off. That is the only reliable solution for you.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Microham MKII and Remoterig
« Reply #4 on: 2017-07-27, 06:14:23 »
Tnx Mitch. I 'll try it and report here the results.