Author Topic: TS-2000 Tuning Problem  (Read 8594 times)


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TS-2000 Tuning Problem
« on: 2017-08-19, 21:30:31 »
I have a tuning problem with my TS-2000. First, let me say that this may well have absolutely nothing to do with the Remoterig. It could be a radio, or even internet problem. Unfortunately since I am at the remote location, it's pretty difficult to troubleshoot. The problem is simple to describe. I am at the remote location with the TS-2000 control head. Everything works perfectly EXCEPT the tuning knob does not tune. As a result, it is impossible to change frequencies. Also, it is impossible to go through the menu options because that requires turning the tuning knob. It is as if the radio were in lock, but it is not. It will, however, scan. I'm open to all suggestions as I will not be at the radio for another 2 months.



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Re: TS-2000 Tuning Problem
« Reply #1 on: 2017-08-20, 01:10:53 »
Hi Gus,

I know you wrote that the lock is not on, but it sure does look to me like you have
frequency lock on. This is indicated on the lower right corner of the display with "FLOCK".
To turn it off, press the FUNC key and ATT/FLOCK.

If that doesn't work, then it looks like your TS-2000 is broken or needs a complete reset.
It for sure has nothing to do with RemoteRig.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: TS-2000 Tuning Problem
« Reply #2 on: 2017-08-20, 02:46:18 »
Thanks Mitch. As far as I can tell there is no frequency lock function on the RC-2000, just a full lock function.  That said, the manual indicates that frequency lock would still allow you to go through the settings menu, and I cannot do that. I had someone do a full reset, and that made things worse as it did not solve the problem and now HRD, which would change the frequency, doesn't connect due to baud rate, cat port, blah, blah. I'm sure it's not the Remoterig and it will just have to wait until I can get to it. Thanks for your help.