Author Topic: Constant audio level from Conrol RRC to Signalink for morse decoding...?  (Read 10994 times)


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I am using RemoteRig to remotely control a TS-480SAT in my summer house near Geysir about 100 km away from my home QTH near Reykjavik. Antenna is a EFHW 80-10.  Works very well, and I love to be able to enjoy little QRM in the rural area.  (In addition I have an IC-7300 at my home QTH, but local ORM is bothering me).

I have connected the Speaker output of the RRC 1258 MkII via SignaLink USB sound card (spkr or aux input) to my PC where I have a MRP40 Morse Decoder.  This works well, except for the fact that the level from the Speaker connector varies with the volume control.

I know that I can also use the AUX/MIC connector on the RRC if I add a speaker jumper wire inside the box, but it seems according what I have read that the signal level is also variable.

Now the question: Is it possible to get a constant level audio signal from the Control RRC?  (For example approx. standard line level or similar).


Agust, TF3OM

« Last Edit: 2018-03-10, 18:15:50 by TF3OM »


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Remoterig only transfer the audio, if variable audio is connected to the Radio-RRC, variable Audio will be ouput from the Control-RRC. If you use a TS-480 you have the second audio channel free so if there is a fixed level output from the radio it can be transferred through the second channel.

73 de mike


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I have never used a Signallink, so I don't know what inputs/outputs are available.  At my remote station, I use a regular USB soundcard and run the Remote rig audio thru that for RTTY decoding.  For all modes, I plug my phones into the USB soundcard output, and adjust the soundcard volume control to control the audio volume of the rx signal.  I then set my audio level from the RR unit to a good one for decoding and leave it there.  The soundcard provides the variable audio I need for normal operations, and the RR unit is now putting out a constant audio signal.

Dennis W1UE


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Remoterig only transfer the audio, if variable audio is connected to the Radio-RRC, variable Audio will be ouput from the Control-RRC. If you use a TS-480 you have the second audio channel free so if there is a fixed level output from the radio it can be transferred through the second channel.

73 de mike

Hi Mike and Dennis.

Thank you very much for the answer. I will take a look at the second channel method.

Using the Signalink with the variable output from TS-480/Remoterig is not a big deal however. The Signalink has a convenient volume control on the front so it is easy to compensate there for the variable output.

I hope the use of the CW decoder is only provisional. I have recently returned to the hobby after about 30 years inactivity, so my CW is not as good as it should be. I received my license in 1964, and even used TF3OM/SM7 1969-1971 while studying in Lund ( @LTH). 

Remoterig is a great product :-)

Thanks again

Vänliga hälsningar / Best regards
