Author Topic: FT857/CAT/REMOTERIG ISSUES cannot read freq I FOUND PROBLEM  (Read 6960 times)


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I have the following:
Yaesu FT857D
Yaesu FT817D
remote rigs latest version
Genuine Yaesu CAT 62 cable
USB CAT Cable with prolific chip
desktop PC
laptop PC
HRD on both pcs

I cannot get HRD to successfully communicate from the desktop pc through the remote rigs to the ft817
the error reads fail to read frequency

HOWEVER I can move the remote rig connection to the ft817 and it connects

I can take the laptop and the usb cable and communicate with the ft857 ok

all settings are 8N2 4800 cat enabled etc.ALl tests are all on my local network.

so I am stumped.

The CT62 cable must be ok since it will communicate with the 817D through the remote rigs which also must be configured correct.

The ft857 cat port must be ok since the usb cat cable communicates with it through the laptop.

« Last Edit: 2018-03-25, 22:42:59 by w5rhr »


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« Reply #1 on: 2018-03-25, 22:46:48 »
After troubleshooting I discovered there is no 13.8 v dc coming from the cat jack pin 1 on the ft 857.
Since this is a serial to ttl level convertor the power for the ct 62 appears to need voltage from the cat jack, unlike a USB cat cable which derives power from USB.

The fuse for the pin 1 appears to be a surface mount micro fuse , so I have given up on repair.

I ordered a device that intercepts the mic line to provide a cat control connection, but it will have the same issue as no power is available from that modification..