Author Topic: Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help  (Read 15566 times)


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Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help
« on: 2019-02-25, 02:16:32 »
I have been trying to get a Kenwood D710 and a pair of RRC-1258MKII to work on the same network but am at a loss and need help.

I have set the jumpers and straps in accordance to the manual. I have made and remade a bunch to times the cable from radio to RRC and panel to RRC without any luck in getting the display to power up.

I am able to connect to each unit via iP and it appears they are communicating with each other.

Using all OEM equipment.. power supply etc.

Is it possible to buy the cables needed to connect radio to RRC and panel to RRC? 6” length or what ever...??? Any other ideas would be appreciated.



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Re: Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help
« Reply #1 on: 2019-02-25, 06:46:40 »
Hi James,

What are you using to connect the control panel to the RRC? Is it a 6P6C or 6P4C cable?

Note the following:

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help
« Reply #2 on: 2019-03-03, 21:50:51 »
I have tried every cable combo I can.. I have followed the Manuel as close as possible with no luck. Anyone able to point me to a set of cables that I can purchase??? :(
Anyone willing to make a set that works on a Kenwood Tm-710D?? I have had luck making cables for my other rig: Kenwood TS-480 but on this second unit I have given up..

Phoenix, AZ

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Re: Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help
« Reply #3 on: 2019-05-10, 12:41:31 »
Did you get this working? I have tm-v71 on a local lan that has worked fine, Sadly I cant say the same for my other one that is remote via internet.

As I recall the same config worked with my tm-d710, just a different cable end on the data cable to the head. I would need to find that cable to verify it again for you.

I think my configs would be fine, you just need change the ips to suit your lan. I have 3 v71s and 2 d710s and I dont know what head came with what radio any more.



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Re: Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help
« Reply #4 on: 2019-05-10, 17:36:31 »
Did you get this working? I have tm-v71 on a local lan that has worked fine, Sadly I cant say the same for my other one that is remote via internet.

As I recall the same config worked with my tm-d710, just a different cable end on the data cable to the head. I would need to find that cable to verify it again for you.

I think my configs would be fine, you just need change the ips to suit your lan. I have 3 v71s and 2 d710s and I dont know what head came with what radio any more.


So far I have had no luck!!! I use remote rig on a 480 just fine... so I fully understand the general premise and configuration....

I have made the patch cables 10 times without success... so at this point I don’t know what else to do. I would love to purchase the cables from a working radio to rule out the cables as the problem... so frustrating.


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Re: Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help
« Reply #5 on: 2019-05-10, 19:20:39 »
Ok James,
You have the tm-D710 2m/70cm aprs radio, correct?  If so it uses the same radio body as tm-V71 dual band, I have some of both here.

Give me a day or so to revise the D710 setup and find the cable I used on my tm-D710 head, so I can swap it with the V71 head on the setup now. I remember making a few cables at the time, I think there are spares, I need to check which head.

If you made 10 cables they cant all be duds! The best way I know to check the two cables is,

If you can see the wires are connected to the right pins in those horrid RJ45 plugs, plug the end in the radio, and with a normal meter set in the high ohm range, you should see some continuity to the DC 0v wire of the radio on every pin that is used, also the DC 0v wire in your cable should be zero ohms, the others will be something higher.

Completely open in the megs range indicates the crimp is bad at one or both ends OR the connector is not contacting the pin in the radio when inserted.

Also check for shorts on the adjacent pins. ie 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, etc across the plug.
If all is good repeat the above process from the other end of the cable with it plugged in the RRC.

If you have made a few cables and one passed that test you could be confident you have radio socket pin to RRC socket pin contact.

It can happen that the RJ45 plastic divider guides is burred or some other debris holds of a contact when the plug is pushed in the socket.   The cable looks great, checks out end to end but no contact on one pin when its plugged in will have you tearing your hair out.

We can also check from your head to my remote and visa versa which helps figure out which ends got the issue.

If you can PM me an email addy we can exchange configs etc.

Vk3bia, Bali.     


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Re: Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help
« Reply #6 on: 2019-05-23, 05:44:24 »
Hi James,

I have a tested spare set of cables ready for you for the D710. In the past I have found US post to Bali is about 10 days hopefully its similar going the other way.

Also you may need to modify the head 9v supply in the RRC if the head starts up and resets continually. Check this with the volume up and the mute open when pressing the on button.

Both my TM-D710 heads have this symptom.

Also I have 2 RRC TM-V71 systems and the same issue causes both of them to exhibit back lighting flicker with loud audio.


The internal RRC head 9/8v power regulator in both my RRCs purchased in 2013 is under powered for the TM-D710 head startup current surge which has all the TNC electronics in it. Newer RRC PCB versions may have been upgraded?

This supply feeds the head and the audio amp and I don't know what else inside the RRC. My solution is to cut the track near the head socket and wire in a XL 6009 or similar voltage regulator module to the socket set to 9v for the Kenwood head. You will need very fine soldering iron and take the upmost care cutting the track, soldering and mounting the module.

Note this voltage is set to 8v or 9v by one of the configuration jumpers to suit the radio in use.

Harry Vk3bia


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Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help
« Reply #7 on: 2019-05-23, 05:50:19 »
Thank you for the reply!! I have been out on holiday/vacation for the past week and am just getting caught up on emails... the circuit modification might be over my head... hopefully I won’t have to do that!!? If you let me know what the shipping costs, etc are I can’t pay you via PayPal or something?

I will plan on working on the configuration, and opening the router ports up this week / this weekend.

Thank you for your help and support!!!

James Soler
(Will PM address)

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« Last Edit: 2019-05-23, 18:02:15 by w7cen »


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Re: Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help
« Reply #8 on: 2019-05-23, 05:53:34 »
The resistors you have circled in the image, did you remove those or leave them alone?? Why are they circled? I see the module on Amazon and how you soldered it in place... I can do that

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Re: Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help
« Reply #9 on: 2019-05-23, 06:41:32 »
Ok James,

No that is where I cut the track going to the head socket where it comes away from a couple of smt transistors,  turns and runs past the speaker socket then under the head socket.

You could solder the new head supply between the cut and the socket but there not much room there and I suspect just under the speaker socket will the smt solder pads for it, I figured the lesser of the evils was to just cut the track there, avoid the risk of shorting to the speaker socket and connect to the head socket pin under the board.



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Re: Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help
« Reply #10 on: 2019-05-23, 06:46:37 »
Pix of under the board.

should have been attached on the last post?


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Re: Kenwood D710 and RRC-1258 MKII Install help
« Reply #11 on: 2019-05-23, 06:50:01 »
Ahh, thank you Harry! This makes sense... I see the underside picture now... and where to cut... very helpful.

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